Fight For His Heart.

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Jays Pov:

I fucked up.

I fucked up really bad.

When i saw that Noah was compleatly ignoring me, i knew that i fucked up. And it fucking hurt. Like a fucking train is hitting my insides reapeatidy. I felt something wet gathering in the corners of my eye. I couldn't do this. I couldn't cry over him. I was the one who did it. Not him. And im the one who fucked it up. Not him. So i will be the one picking up the pieces. (A.N, Pierce The Veil fans, anyone? :D ) Making it better. I will get him back. But its hard. He won't even look at my face for longer than 2 seconds before looking away. I have to find a way to talk to him. And i will do it now.


This is harder than i thought.

Im standing our bedroom. Noah is inside, listening to music and probably attemtping at homework. Im outside, debating if its worth going inside.

Yes it is fucking worth it! Its Noah!

I take a deep breath and put my hand on the door handle. Im about to push the door open, when a force from the other side pulls it. I look up to see Naoh staring right at me. He looks away after barely a second of eye contact and attemps to walk past me. But i put both hands on the door frame and box him in.

"Jay, M-" he starts talking but i cut him off by crashing my lips to his. I can feel him freeze, but i kiss. I kiss no matter what. I don't pause. I keep kissing, trying to make him kiss back. I start moving his lips forcefully with mine. He doesn't want to move them by himself. I removed my hands from the door frame and put them on his small, friagle waist. I could feel the fireworks, even without him kissing back. I think he woke up when i startied pulling away. He pulled away, turned around and walked away.


This was way harder than i thought it would be.

"Noah?" i say, following him inside the darkly lit room.

I notice that he shut the curtains, making a dark but sunny glow fill the large room. I look over to my bed, which is on the right of the room, thurthest away from the door. My bed is neatly done but theres some clothes on it. My bedside table has magazine and my phone charger. I turn around to find Naoh hidden in a heap of blankets on his own bed. His bedside table has some books and pens on it. Homework- i guess. Theres his ipod letting out soft music.

I sigh and head towards his bed. Im gonna make this better. I sid besides him and slowly put my hand in his hair stroking him.

"Noah baby please give me another chance." i whisper.

"i'll do this better this time. One more chance. I understand if you dont fully forgive me, just give me another chance. J-Just let me hold you again. Kiss you with you kissing back. Noah, im truly sorry. I just want to k-kiss you. Touch you. Have you as mine. Im an idiot for falling for my stepbrother. Im a worthless fag who fell for his stepbrother! I-I'm... I...."

I was cut off with my mini speach by Noahs lips slowly pressing on to mine. I was too determined in my little speech to not notice him climb on to my lap and start kissing me. I kissed back, putting my hands on his hips while he put his around my neck. He slowly pulled away, only to open his eyes and rest his forehead agains mine. We were both breathing heavily, and his next words didnt only suprise me, but make me smile like a fool.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


y'all needed that little fluffy. so here ya go, next chapter coming soon! :D xoxoxox.

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