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Chandria's P.O.V.


I always hated that color, it brought me back to the traumatic memories I had. Red. Blood. There were girls which were beaten, were killed and were traumatized like me, whenever they wouldn't follow their orders. We were used as entertainers and their toys, enjoying every moment whenever they screamed, whenever they plead...


It was lonely. Whenever I thought of that black cell, I began to cry. It was the worse place a girl can stay, it was hell and it felt so lonely and scared to be trapped there not knowimg what was going to happen in your life. Black. Until now, darkness is still the only thing I can see.

I feel concious but somehow unconcious, it seems like I was awake but not. I lightly moved my finger then I slowly started to get awake, I got to control my whole body now.

"Are you okay?" I heard a lady asked, I opened my eyes but I blinked multiple times as there was a blinding light which made me feel dizzy first. Once I'm already awake, I saw a pretty looking lady, who I think has the same age as me.

She was holding a glass of water and she looked so calm, I was so surprised to see myself in a very foreign and unfamiliar room with a woman sitting beside me. I shrieked and scooted far from her, to the corner. My throat was very dry and believe me the only thing I want to do now is to drink that glass of water to soothe my aching throat, I think I must've slept for many hours.

The lady kept her distance from me but she's very cautious and careful of not making me scared, I looked at the content of the glass, looking if it's poison or not. After contemplating if I should accept the water or not, I decided to trust her and immediately drank the water.

"Who are you?" I asked as I was shaking, I didn't know where I am and somehow I think I forgot some parts on how and when I got to escape that prison cell. Tears began to cloud my eyes as fear corrupted my whole body and my mind, I pressed my body closer to the wall wanting to just be alone.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you, you're safe here" The girl murmured and slowly sat beside me, she hesitantly caressed my somehow bruised arm and shoulder... was I bruised? When? How? I immediately flinched in shock and as well as pain. The girl slowly ran her hand behind my back, as if she's trying to comfort me with all her might, then I broke into a sob.

"He was scary, he's a nightmare" Red. I uttered, she pulled me for a hug in which I gladly complied. Red. Vampire.

"Who was?" The girl asked me softly, I already can't comprehend everything because I was already too scared, too traumatized to do anything or answer her question. I kept on crying but the lady beside me just stared at me calmly as if she's waiting for me to stop crying.

"Him, the guy who has a pair of red eyes, he tackled me on the ground and bit my neck"

"Who are you? What's your name?" She asked me with such softness in her voice as if she's scared that I'll flinch or get scared at her.

"Chandria, Chandria Kwon" I sniffed and broke away from the hug, there still were tears coming down from my eyes but I feel totally drained, somehow I know there's something wrong with me, inside me.

"I'm Chantal, Chantal Kim" Chantal smiled at me which I also returned, but when I stared at her eyes, I saw gold swirls appearing in her iris. I flinched again and scooted away from her, then I suddenly remembered what happened to me before I collapsed and felt unconcious.


I was advised to go to the room after I was finsihed changing my clothes, I remember how scared and how I was really shaking that night because I couldn't ever forget those red eyes which stared boredly in to mine. Once I reached the room, I badly wanted to run away and just hide, but there were many cameras monitoring our every move in the hallway.

"Mast-" My words got stuck in my throat, I opened the door but I was so surprised at what I saw. My hunch was right, he is a vampire. The new man stood there in the middle of the room with the first girl unconsious on the ground, I was terrified when I saw a bite mark on her neck...

"Get back here" His voice sounded like a nightmare and his fangs didn't disappear, his eyes suddenly turned more red as he spoke.

I wanted to run, to cry and just to wake up and think of this as a dream... but I can't I couldn't do anything but to obey him orelse I'll get myself killed. He stood up from the floor as I slowly took a step forward and closed the door, locking myself inside the room with a monster before me.

"Do you want to suffer the same fate as the girl? It doesn't seem like you're the recessive type" The vampire took stridding steps towards the me, I scooted on one corner as I started crying and pleading.

"Please don't hurt me! I'll do anything but please don't kill me!"

"You love, is so sweet but you're tempting me too much" The vampire grabbed my arms and lifted my up in the air, he pinned me on the wall harshy as my back started to hurt. I started crying and trashing around more, wanting to get away from his grip.

"Please.." I stared in his red peircing eyes..n

"You're just turning me on princess" He grabbed my hair and pushed my head to the side and bit my neck, I passed out of exaushtion.


"I know you're not human"

She turned to me in surprise then the gold swirls vanished, that for sure I know she's not a mortal. No mortal in this world can change her eye color to gold, and it's just not a contact lense, the gold swirls faded which mean it's just natural.

"How can you say so?"

"Your eyes, they're gold" Her eyes became gold again and I looked her with full curiosity but I wouldn't let my guard down even if I think I'm slowly starting to trust her.

"Chandria, I want you to calm down okay? I will tell you what we are" Well how can I act calm when that's her first sentence?

"We're wolves Chandria. believe it or not, we are wolves. We can transform in our human form or wolf form whenever we want"

"Are you going to kill me?" I wasn't scared already, instead I feel very comfortable talking to her even if she's an immortal creature.

"No, we may be scary, but I promise you one thing. We wouldn't hurt you"

"But the man with the red eyes did" I mumbled" He's a vampire and I'm a hundred percent sure about that, I don't know what happened to my body when he bit me but I'm sure, somehow, that bite affected something inside my body.

"I won't let him hurt you again"

"I need to leave" I uttered, almost pushing Chantal back but she held me back from escaping on her bed.

"No, it's not safe. Just stay here, i'll protect you" And surely enough, I trusted her.

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