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Edgy P.O.V

shit I was thinking out loud again, god damnit. now she's gonna hate me i can feel it in my bones. naaaah i dun think she understood that. welp here she comes. wait is she........blushing?!? heh...i take full responsibility.

                     (Y/n) P.O.V

What was he about to say just now?!? Not what I'm thinking I hope. Naaah, I must have hit my head pretty hard, I mean....it can't be.

Also, that voice. That's the voice in my dreams. It lives?!? And he called me "kitten" didn't he.

I've heared that a million times in my dreams, but knowing that there's a real person behind me that called me kitten.......it somehow felt different. I felt my face get hotter, not too much though. Then I turned around to see the owner of the voice, but all I could see was a black silhouette. A small voice whispered from my right shoulder.

"(Y/n) calm down why are you blushing. Keep your mind focused, you'll need a lot of patience and concentration with this guy."

"kitten, u know my hand is still waiting to be shaken, do u ?"

I looked down and saw a stretched hand towards me, thinner than the normal hands I'm used to see. I slowly stretched my hand to his and grabbed it. I couldn't move.


"heh, the old joy buzzer in the hand trick. always funny"

I quickly pulled my hand back. With the silliest questioning face I could ever make. Who's this wierdo? As soon as i grabbed his hand he wasn't a black shadow anymore. How did he do that?  He was a skeleton wich explained the thin had. He was a little taller than me, was wearing a black jacket with a black cap on the back with lots of yellow fluff, a red T-shirt  and a spiky black collar with a gold chain hanging in front of his chest, a pair of black basketball shorts and a pair of black slippers. He also had sharp white teeth and a golden one on his left side. A lot would have said he looked scary, but to me-

Damn he hot. Wait...wha-

Realisation hits me hard.

Guess my body was that desperate for another crush wasn't it.

"hey kitten, what r u making that face for. c'mon, don't u remember me."

"Remember you? Have we met before because I don't think we-"

Well I sure am realising a lot of stuff today ain't I.

I'm dreaming.

Of course I am. This is way too wierd to be true. I'm kind of dreaming a sequel of the first wierd dream in underground.


"c'mon kitten u know i don't like being called that way."

"Oh yea, Edgy."

"that's rite, good thing u remember"

"Of course I remember. That first dream was way too wierd to be forgotten." I said with a smiley face on

"dream?"  he looked different when he said that. His eyes we're completely black.

"(Y/n) be careful I don't like this." Flowey said.

Then Edgy quickly grabbed my wrist and bit it. It hurt, a lot. Flowey growled in anger. I closed my eyes I'm pain for a few seconds and reopened them to pull my wrist back with my other hand. It was bleeding.

"Ow, that hurt. What the fuck was that for?!?"

His eyes were back.

"careful kitten, watch ur mouth. also, i don't think u can feel pain while dreaming, can ya"

I was shocked. This is real? He's real?! Have I really been that stupid and lazy all this time? The puzzle pieces were there, I was just too lazy to put them together.

rEaLly Me? *inserts frisk face -_-*

Then a waving boney hand in front of my face interrupted my thinking session.

"kitten, i know stars like you enjoy spacing out a lot but seriously, stop it. c'mon we're going to my house." he said after grabbing my hand and pulling me through the bridge.

"No, w-wait-"

"why, u got a better place to go? everyone'll tryna kill ya. also, u look pretty bonely. dun worry, i'll make u sum company."

Oh yea, I forgot. He loved puns.

I looked over to Flowey, to ask for his opinion. No words were needed. He answered almost immediately.

"I guess you can stay for tonight. Tomorrow we'll leave early in the morning to get you to the surface."

"yea, sure. tell me kitten. everyone here wants to kill you, u think a tiny flower will protect ya. i dun think so. u'll need someone with big bones like me. and u won't be leaving tomorrow, the gang has missed ya for a skele-ton a' time so u'll be here for at least a month.*low voice* immana have fun."

"A MONTH?!?! No no no, no way. I have to get back. Ms. Toriel and everyone else are probably worried about me."

"tori? nah it's ok. she probably knows where you are rite now. no worries. wait, lemme show ya somthin'." and with that he stopped.

His left eye flashed red and in a split second later we were in front of a house which I supposed was his. I blinked a few times so that my brain could process what just happened.

"Oh yea, you can teleport, I forgot that."

"well ya need to ketchup on ur memories, kitten"

His little magic trick  got me in "awe" once again, just like five years ago. I loved when he did that. It made me feel happy. Then I remembered something else he could do.

"Hey Edgy."

"yea kitten"

"Can you get me inside lifting me up in the air with your magic. You know, the way that you used to make me fly. I can't explain it. You know what I'm talking about."

"heh, ya haven't changed at all kitten. of course, anythin for ya. "

I giggeld as a red aura covered every single inch of my body. Then I felt myself being lifted from the ground. I had forgotten how it felt, but it did feel amazing. I laughed slightly from joy and that made him laugh a little too.

"Y-you know flowers aren't used to the feeling of f-flight right. This f-f-feels so wierd!" Flowey said with a terrified look on his face.

"oh shut up, stupid flower, ur ruining the moment."

With that line I laughed even more and this time looks like my laughter brougt a small red dust over Edgys cheekbones. I blushed a little too. He looked cute like that.

"now lets head in shall we"

"Mhm" i mumbeled while smiling

"Just make it quick" Flowey said still terrified.

Then Edgy walked a couple of steps to reach the door handle and then twisted it. He walked inside and right after closing the door, he raised a little his voice from his normal tone.

"hey boss, i brought a new friend"

"Humpf, am I imvisible?" Flowey said kinda in anger.

"k then, make it two friends. they're staying over this month."

Then a much louder voice started talking from upstairs, and as that voice talked  also walked downstairs.

"Sans I'm so fucking sick of your bullshit. What have you done this time. Wadya meen friends staying over??"

Then a much taller skeleton was standing at the end of the stairs looking at me.

"Oh, hey."

1242 words

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