Request Information

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If you would like to make a request, here is how you can do it.

1) Direct message me. DO NOT COMMENT WHAT YOU WANT.

2) In the message, include: Person, plot line, and type of chapter.


Jon, first date, one-shot.

Evan, Skype call w/him confessing, fluff shot.

Tyler, first night alone together at E3, smut.

3) Expect the chapter to be up within 7 days. If it isn't send me a polite reminder and it will be up within 3 days. The more information you give me for the plot line, the longer the chapter is (usually).

4) I will not write about depression, suicide, self-harm, etc. If you think it might be alright, you can ask me. Be prepared for me to say no. The reason behind this rule. I do not want to be the reason someone relapses. Whatever they are going through is something that they do not need a reminder of. Building these topics up in stories is not the way to handle this, unless it is about working through it and coming out on the other side happier and healthier. 

5) You can have one request at a time. Meaning, if I haven't published one of your requests, do not make another one until it is. 

6) Please do not request a story multiple times over just so that you can have a different person with the same storyline. I get bored of writing them, so I know you guys get bored of reading them over and over.

7) I am totally, and completely, open to ideas and constructive criticisms. That being said, don't be a douche. IF you do choose to be rude, you might just see yourself in the picture of my next chapter.

Thanks guys!

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