To Kill, Keep, or Release

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"It can." My future ex-husband and baby daddy said to me before turning toward the man dressed as a school bus and said "Kill her." Then walked off.


Who shitted in in coco puffs?

But his voice. I'm officially in love, even if he wants to kill me.

He slammed the door once again on his way out, if only I was a black mother, "slam my goddamn doe' one more time! You ain't paying no bills around here to be slammin' my shit. Slam one moe' doe' if you want to and see if I don't beat yo' ass!"

Ah. Must be nice.

Okay. Shit. I did it again, back to the present.

Everyone turned toward me as their leader dude let out a sigh. "Okay that's one vote toward killing her-"

I really love how we're here discussing whether or not I'm going to die, very comforting.

"Any one else for killing her?" He asked looking around. Two people raised their hands.

I kissed my teeth and crossed my arms, "Maaaaannn, y'all some bitches." I said mean mugging pug face that held me captive in a trunk and some other dude.

The hell did I ever do to them.

"Okay, that 3 for killing. How about letting her go?" A couple people raised their hands.

I sniffled, letting a tear fall, and pounded my chest twice while saying "My. Niggas. You see. This why I fucks with y'all."

One of the looked at me and cocked his head to the side, "Nigga. We don't know you."

Oh shit he right, he right.

"Alright, 13 for letting her go. How about keeping her?" He asked glancing around the room warily.

Immediately everyone else's hands shot up.

Bitch. Ass. Niggas.

"I'm not going back in that hot ass room." Was all I could muster up, and I meant that.

"Goddamn it! I told that boy to fix the vent. Boy I tell ya, niggas ain't shit. Well there are no more free rooms in this house and I can't get you a hotel or you'll run away, so I'll arrange for you to stay with Domo and Mint.

Domo and Mint............ The hell were they parents thinking?

"Until then you're free to roam around this house." He said getting up and walking away.

He shouldn't have said that.

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