Gang Gang

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Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shitty mcshit burger.

Gio got away. We were too busy basking in our own glory that we let him escape.

I thought he was unconscious after going stomped like the dude from "Don't be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Yo Juice In the Hood."

Even Mint was freaking out.

Apparently the bloods had an alliance with the Latin Kings he explained to me.

"Wait. So he's not Italian?" I asked cluelessly. Mint let out an exasperated sigh and gave me the side eye while Coco shook her head signaling no.

Hey! You know what I've noticed?

Fat white kids get flamed alllll the time, and don't ever have any comebacks so become big dick heads. But with fat black kids, they either hella funny, have a special talent, or everybody just  scared of them.

Am I the only one who peeped that?



Back to the present.

I flopped down onto the couch next to  the two douche bags. Then I took not of Mints shoes.

"Boiiiiiiiiii is them some muh'fucking crocs?!?!" I asked loudly gesturing to his bright yellow gigantic shoes that were obviously crocs.

He tucked his feet into the bottom of the couch and sucked his teeth.

"Whoever told you it was okay to purchase those ain't real bro." I joked, barely getting it out from my uncontrollable laughter.

"But can you beat my ass? No. Worry 'bout hands not shoes."

He right high key.

"Y'all stop arguing! We need to figure out what we gon' do about Gio and the Latin Kings!" Coco exclaimed.

Uuhhhhh we?

"Excuse me but I'm not in this shit by choice so if you could just scratch my name off the list... thanks." I said and slowly started backing out of the room.

You have me completely fucked up to think that I'm going against a gang, with a gang, that's not even my gang, cause I don't have a gang, to gang bang with.

Did you catch all that? Yes? Good.

"You in this, whether you like it or not." Mint told me with finality.

"Well I don't like it."

"And I don't give a five fire friendly flying fucks."

I see what he did there.

I forced out an over dramatic sigh.

Let the gang wars commence.

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