One Direction Age Play

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This is a One Direction age play fanfic that includes mostly baby liam and daddy zayn, but a bit of the others.

Liam-head space of a 2 1/2





Summary: Liam had been in an age play relationship with the other boys of one direction for almost two months. His daddies thought his headspace was about two and a half but what his daddies did not realize was that he was a bit younger, only about 1 or a little older. This basically shows the day where they figured it out. Enjoy loves!!!


The boys of One Direction had a month off from the tour. They had gone to see their families for a week, but had decided that it would be best to go to their mansion that they all owned. You see, they had started age play Liam and those three weeks would be helpful for Liam to have some extra special streets relieving time. Liam had been having some stress problems so they all had consulted a doctor. He gave them many options and Liam had decided that he liked age play the best out of all the options.

No, the other boys and Liam were not dating. They all were straight and some had girlfriends, but they still all helped be the daddies of Liam. They knew that he needed it. Today was a normal day in the mansion, except it was not.

The second that Zayn heard the cries coming from Liam's bedroom, he was out of his bed as quickly as possible. Not bothering to put sweatpants over his boxers, he sprinted into Liam's nursery. You see, the reason Zayn was so concerned, was that Liam barely ever cried. Even when he was put in the naughty chair he didn't cry. He entered the room finding Liam in the corner of his adult sized crib curled up with his knee's to his chest, crying softly into his pajama pants. Zayn slowly made his way over to his baby boy.

"Hi sweet pea, baba is here." Zayn said said looking down at Liam. Liam slowly lifted his tear streamed face and reached out to Zayn to be picked up. Zayn grabbed Liam under his armpits and carefully lifted him from the crib, setting him on his hip. Liam immediately buried his face in Zayn's neck beginning to sob even louder. "Li Li, what's the matter love?" He asked nuzzling his nose in Liam's hair. Liam responded by continuing to sob loudly into Zayn's neck and fisting his shirt.

Suddenly Liam looked up at Zayn, big brown puppy dog eyes and quivering lip. "Icawwntfinddummy!!!" He wailed. Zayn looked at Liam confused.

"Sorry Li, that was a bit too fast. Can you repeat yourself?" Zayn questioned the trembling boy on his hip.

"Cawwnt find dummy!!!" Liam repeated, his sobbing slowing to a whimper. Zayn formed an O with his lips and brought Liam over to the changing table.

You see, Liam was very clingy to his dummy. He rarely let go of it much less let it out of his sight. Zayn was thinking it might turn into a problem, but he tried to deal with it.

He attempted to lay the boy down but he clung to Zayn for dear life. "No go!" Liam announced.

"Babe let go please." Zayn said trying again. "I can't find your dummy if you are clinging to me honey." Liam stared at him a minute more with a quivering lip, before he decided to slowly let go. "There you go!" Zayn exclaimed happily.

With that Zayn began to search. He looked on top of dressers and under them too. He searched in Liam's blankets and briefly looked under the bed. Liam began getting fidgety on the changing table when Zayn had a thought.

He looked in between the wall and crib and at last he found Liam's adored dummy. Liam's dummy was blue and green stripes with an orange center, and pretty well beaten up.

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