Bad Day-baby!Liam pt. 1

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Today was gonna be a tough day for a specific 3 people of one direction. Louis and Zayn were both out on all day dates with their "girlfriends" to please management. That left Harry, Niall and baby Liam alone.

That was why Niall Horan was standing by Liam's crib coaxing him into an awoken state.

"C'mon Liam, get up." Niall said in a sigh. He was awfully tired and he just had an overall bad feeling about the day all ready. "Lets go." The sandy haired lad whined lightly around his dummy from his crib and clutched his stuffed whale lightly. Niall was getting agitated now. "Liam get up now!" Niall ordered unlatching the cribs side and letting it down.

"No." Liam mumbled shoving his face into the pillow. Niall was now just plain angry.

"Liam James Payne! I have asked you three times already and you have disobeyed me every time! I am taking away your dummy and your whale for punishment." Niall ordered pushing at Liam's side, flipping him over and pulling the dummy from Liam's lips and grabbing the stuffed whale.

"No Dada!" Liam wailed letting the tears spring to his eyes.

"Should have followed my directions earlier then." Niall said sternly shoving the dummy into his sweatpants pocket and tossing the stuffed animal on top of a tall shelf. He reached into the crib and grabbed the sobbing Liam under his armpits.

"W-want dummy!!!" Liam nearly screamed thrashing in Niall's arms obscenely. "W-WANT I-IT N-NOW!!" Liam continued. He was in a horrible mood already. Niall just did not understand he wanted to sleep. All Niall did was steal away his most prized possession and make his feel even more upset and grumpy than he already was, which was only because he had a headache. Simply that. Just a headache.

"Liam James Payne! This behavior is not acceptable at all. We are going down stairs now and I am going to forget what you have done so far. You better shape up young man." Niall stated calmly. Liam only let out another soft sob and made an adorable face with puppy eyes. He held out a pair of grabby hands along with that so Niall just picked him up and sighed. Maybe the lad was ready to stop being naughty.

Together, after a quick change Niall and Liam made it down stairs and into the kitchen where Harry was humming away and cooking up some scrambled eggs. Liam made a face at the smell of food. His tummy was now feeling as bad as his head. He wasn't hungry for food at all.

Niall was quick to take Liam to his high chair and pull the little table out in front of him to put some food on.

"Good morning sweetheart!" Harry chimed, definitely pretending he hadn't heard all the yelling from upstairs. He kissed Liam's cheek softly and pulled Niall into a loving lip lock with a few hushed words that followed, undoubtedly about Liam's behavior.

When the two finished speaking, Harry turned to the stove and pushed the button to turn it off. He quickly walked to Liam's high chair and began to shovel on some eggs. "No-" little Liam couldn't get his sentence out before Niall cut him off.

"Liam?! Remember that little agreement we had?" Niall said with a stern look. Liam nodded and whimpered before opening his mouth again to say something. "No Liam." Niall said. Liam sighed. He just wanted to tell his dada and baba he didn't feel well. His daddy Zayn would always listen.

Liam turned to the food on his plate. It didn't look appetizing in any way at all.

"C'mon Liam, eat." Niall pushed impatiently. He didn't mean to come across a harsh but he was not in the mood to put up with Liam's crap. Liam whimpered near silently but picked up a piece of scrambled egg and shoved it into his mouth, chewing slowly and carefully and trying to ignore the rolling in his tummy telling him not to eat.

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