The birth!

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Leah's POV

Well today is February and it is Harry's birthday. Also my little bundle of joy is due. I can't wait to meet my little baby. Louis doesn't  know that I have had been having stomach pains for the past week now , only Harry knows that why we at back at the hospital. I swear my family should just live in the hospital.

Harry's POV

It's my birthday and I'm sat in hospital with Leah because she has been habing pain in her stomach. I think the baby is coming. Louis had come out of the hopstial not long ago and now we are back here. I had opened all the gifts that they had got me before we came here. I do hope the baby comes so Leah is not in pain anymore.

Leah's POV

Well it is now late in the evening and Harry is still here. He has the one only that has been with me throughout this.  Suddenly Louis came through the door.  I guess Harry has called him to be here because he didn't want to be here on his own. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked me

"I didn't want you to worry"

Then my waters broke.

Louis's POV

Harry had phoned to me that tell me Leah was in hospital so I rushed over here. I had only been here 10 minutes when her waters broke. The nurses rushed in once I told them. I held her hand while she was giving birth to our little baby. After what seemed to be an hour my little baby was born.

Leah's POV

I had finally given birth to a little baby girl. I was happy and I was sure that Louis's was to. He was holding his little girl and smiling like an idiot but I guess he is happy. All we need know is a name for our little girl.

"Louis?" I asked

"What's up?" He said looking out from our little girl.

"We need a name for our little girl"

"Oh yer of course I forgot that we need a name for her"

"What name do you have in mind?"

"What about Morgan Louise Fox?"


So we told the nurse and she go the birth certificate ready. We had to tell her that Louis was the father but she wasn't going to have his last name.

Louis's POV

I was in love with my little girl Morgan. I can't believe that she was here. I'm so proud of Leah.  Now I need to tell the lads that Leah has had the baby. So I went out to see that Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall were here. They all looked up when they saw me.

"She has given birth to a little girl"

They all looked really happy and made there way to see her.

Liam's POV

I'm so proud of my little sister. I can't wait to see her. I wounder what the little girl's name is.

Niall's POV

So we have another family member. I can't wait to see the little girl and Leah.

Zayn's POV

A little girl has been added to our family. I bet she is beautiful. I really can't wait for my first cuddle with her.

Harry's POV

Leah's little girl was born on the same day as me. I can't wait to see my little birthday buddy.

Leah's POV

All the lads were here now and they were all looking at Morgan.

"What's her name Leah?" Niall asked

"Her name is Morgan Louise Fox"

"That's a nice name Leah" Liam popped up

"Plus she is my birthday buddy" Harry said

"She is beautiful Leah" Zayn said

"Thanks Zayn" 

After a while they guys had to go but Louis stayed with me because he was the father. I'm so happy that my little girl is here.

Louis's POV

Leah was fast asleep now while I was having a cuddle with Morgan. Morgan was soon asleep in my arms so I put her to bed and was soon in bed myself. I'm proud of Leah today and I'm glad that I have a little girl that I can call mine.

Morgan Louise Fox was born on the 1st February 2014 at 23:00.

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