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Life is hard..........
Just living can be hard.......

But I learned that whatever life throws at you, deal with it, embrace it. You'll gain nothing from fighting it. If it happens it happens, and you can't do anything to change that. That's what I learned.......

"HOW DARE YOU!" Mandy, one of the bullies, say as she pushes me against the lockers. "YOU ARE NOTHING!" she says before before her hand slaps my face. "Woah woah woah, calm down! " One of the teachers say trying to remove her hands from me with some other students. "HOW DARE YOU, HOW DARE YOU!" She says being dragged as far away from me as possible. Once we are on two different sides of the hallway, tears start to roll down my face. This happens often, and no matter how
many times this happens, I never get used to it.

---30 minutes later---

I run upstairs, slam the door of my room and throw my backpack to the corner of the room without hesitating. As usual, I cry my eyes out 'till there's no more tears for me to cry with.

"What did they do now?" My sister, Anne, says as she barges in. She sits beside me rubbing her hand on my back as a sign of  comfort. I try to hold in my tears before I talk to her about my day.

"There we go, that's my girl!" She says realizing that I've stopped crying. " I guess this is what I get for lending her 'ex' a pencil." I say with a little chuckle. "Let me get this straight, she got mad at you for lending her 'ex' a PENCIL??!!!" She says doing that thing with her eyes that makes her look like she wants to kill someone. "Calm down, maybe you should be the one getting therapy instead of me." I say wiping those crazy eyes of her face. "Haha, very funny." She says sarcastically. "Since this session of me comforting you isn't working, how 'bout you go to that 'secret place' of yours that you go to so you can relax?" She says with a little smirk. "This is why I don't use a diary anymore." I say before leaving the room.

I walk to the balcony and bring myself up to the roof, still struggling to do it properly. As I finally stand up on my feet, I sit down and start to gather my thoughts. I look up at the night sky and count the stars to distract myself from what happened in school. As I look up, I see this bright colored thing in the sky coming down. I close my eyes and focus on my wish. "I wish to not be an outcast anymore." I say full of hope. And even if this 'wish thing' doesn't work then at least I tried.

---the next day---

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock trying as much as I can to get myself out of bed. I go to the bathroom, rub my eyes to make them more awake. I look at myself at the mirror and is shocked looking at my reflection. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

Thank you so much for reading! This is my first story ever so sorry if it sucks. Hope you enjoyed the story and I would very much appreciate it if you comment something I could improve on. Btw, there is a little glitch in this chapter that I can't fix so sorry for that. Anyways,Cya!:)

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