"I Know What You're Doing"

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^Look What You Made Me Do- Taylor Swift

I gleefully approach Kayden, planning to start a conversation. Instead he looks at me with a very intimidating glare that gives me chills running down my spine.

"I know what you're doing." He says in a extremely serious manner that makes me jump

"W-what are you talking about?" I stutter due to the nervousness his intimidation is giving me

"I know that your trying to find out what my little secret is." He says

"How'd you know?!" I exclaim

"Reverse psychology. Like I said I'm a professional." He says as he runs his fingers through his hair.

I subconsciously bite my lip then snap right back to reality realizing that I have a boyfriend. My cheeks start to turn a bright red as Kayden chuckles.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed." He says with a smile that turns me on.

"What the heck is this boy doing to me! He is seriously messing with my brain." I think to myself. I may be a girl who has very unique powers, but in the end, he's a very skilled a intellectually intelligent boy and I'm just a stupidly naive and innocent girl.

"You are the worst" I say narrowing my eyes at him before I angrily stomp my way to class.

"I can't believe he used his psychology tricks on me! This guy plays really dirty." I think to myself


"OH NO HE DIDN'T!" Clara yells angrily as I finally finish telling them what happened

"He is definitely one of the worst people I've ever met!" Matthew exclaims as Clara and I nod

I pull out my phone and pretend like I got a text to finally bring Asher back to lighten up the mood. I text myself on how 'Asher' is gonna come back and show Clara so we can surprise Matthew. Clara's eyes widen then she looks back at me and nods.

"What are you guys talking about?" Matthew's raises his brows

"She's just telling me to keep you company while she does her......girl thing." Clara lies as Matthew looks at her with a disgusted look.

"You can't blame us for having it." Clara says as I let out a breath of relief.

"Thank you" I mouth to Clara as she winks at me in response.

I run towards the bathroom and swiftly change into Asher then slowly yet silently walk towards Matthew and surprise him.

"ASHER!" He squeals as him jumps at me for a hug.

"It's good to have you back!" Clara greets as Matthew finally lets go of his tightly yet comforting hug.

"It's good to finally be back" I say with huge smile spread across my face.

In the corner of my eye, I see a dark muscular figure approaching us. As I turn my head to take a closer look, my heartbeat drops.

"Kayden......" Clara growls

"Hey guys! Why wasn't I invited to the reunion?" He says with a smirk on his face.

"Ashley's told me about you. And to be honest, I really expected more." I say as Kayden narrows his eyes at me

"OOOOHHHHH BURN!" Clara exclaims

"That's not what your cousin thought" Kayden snaps back as the atmosphere around us went dark.

I look at Matthew and Clara and find them giving Kayden a death glare.

"OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!" Clara yells before she jumps on Kayden's back and blinds his vision.

Matthew comes along and starts punching Kayden in the gut. People start to crowd around us the start to chant "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!" Repeatedly. The principal comes along then stops the commotion.

"ALL FOUR OF YOU IN MY OFFICE!" She yells as the crowd that surrounded us run away to stay out of trouble.


"I am very disappointed in all of you! Clara, you are one of our school's most prestigious students so I expected a lot from you. Matthew, you have had a very clean record and are the captain of the football team, so to have this happen is very disappointing. Kayden, you are a new student so I thought that you would try to lay low, but instead you cause a ruckus! And Asher, you literally just came back, and to see them fight must be really hard for you. But since you were a bystander, may I ask what really happened?" The principal says

"This is what really happened, I came back to surprise Matthew and Clara then all of a sudden Kayden interferes and starts talking smack about Ashley. Then out of rage and instinct, Clara and Matthew just went for him." I explain

"And what exactly did Kayden say to cause this whole commotion?" The principal's brows furrow.

"Ashley told me a lot about him while I was gone because he was always getting under their skin. So then I told him that I was expecting a lot more than just a bad boy who follows us around to mess with us. The he says "That's not what Ashley thought" with a smirk. " I explain

"You can talk about me or stupid Matthew over here but you can NEVER talk about such a sensitive topic of Ashley's." Clara starts to tear up and lean onto Matthew for comfort as he goes into tears as well do I.

"How was I supposed to know that it was a 'sensitive topic'?" Kayden utters

"Well aren't ya like a......" Clara says

"Doesn't mean I have to know EVERY single detail about her life." Kayden exclaims

"I'm a little confused now" the principal says

"Ya so am I" Kayden says

"ASHLEY WAS BULLIED, OK!" I yell. "I'm sorry but if you'll excuse me...." I say before running to bathroom.

"Ashley was bullied, she didn't have any friends, she was always the joke of the school and it affected her and everyone else around her in a very excruciating way. Now if you'll excuse us we'll be comforting Asher." Clara says before her and Matthew leave.

I know I shouldn't be crying because that part of my life is over but......it's still a very sensitive topic for me. My only best friend was my sister, and I don't see her that often because she's in college. I guess I haven't moved on..........

Hey guys! Sorry if I haven't been updating this story a lot lately. On the bright side, this chapter is pretty long.

Will Ashley ever be able to move on? Did Kayden finally get the beating he deserved?

Find out in the next chapter of "If I Were A Boy". Anyways, cya!:)

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