Back To School

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Summer's over and it's my senior year in high school. It's a little nerve racking but I can survive. I mean I finally learned how to control my powers, I can switch from a boy to a girl so that means I wouldn't have to break up with Matthew just because I can't be Asher. Plus Asher technically still is me, just a boy version. I guess you can say that whenever I'm Asher, I have the mind of a girl stuck in a guy's body. Yep, just by my thoughts right now, I can tell this will be a great year......

"ASHLEY!!!!!" Clara yells as she runs towards me for a hug. "OMG GIRL I HAVE MISSED YOU!" She squeals in my ear which causes it to have this ringing sound

"Sorry, I'm just really excited to see you after so long." She says apologetically

"The feeling's mutual...." I say in a soft voice trying not to damage my ear drums any longer.

"So, how was your summer?" She asks in a really joyful tone

"Same old same old, I visited my grandparents in New York. They have to keep watch of their business, ya know the fashion line 'Venus's Light?"

"OMG I LOVE THAT BRAND!! Especially my dad, he loves the men's version 'Mercury's Shadow"

"Did I just hear the words 'Mercury's Shadow?" Matthew asks as he slings his arm around my shoulders which startles me

"Matthew, you scared me!" I squeal as he lets out a huge laugh

"What's it to you?" Clara asks with sass

"Well, not to brag but I've modeled for that brand" he says striking a pose as me and Clara burst into fits of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Matthew asks as he raises his brows

"Like you don't know" I say still laughing

"Seriously, what are you laughing at..."

"I don't know if this is a joke or if you're just that stupid but that is so funny!" Clara says as we keep laughing.

My knees start to weaken from laughing so I lean against the lockers for support while Clara just lies on the floor with tears streaming down her face.

"Ahhhh it hurts!" She yells still on the floor laughing

"Ahhhhh, oh my gosh that was.....whew!" I say as I finally start to calm down

"Alright Clara that's enough...." Matt says in a serious tone.

"Oh my gosh........that was one of the most painful laughs I've ever had." Clara says as she stands back up

"What's so funny about a model trying to, ya know MODEL?" Matthew ask

"Wait, were you actually being serious?" I ask in a surprised tone

"Yeah........." Matthew says softly.

Me and Clara start laughing again but this time we're laughing even harder than before, if that's even possible.

---meanwhile (in the FBI agency)---

Unknown POV

I'm looking through the files of all the people here in Florida and I found not one, but two people who have caught my eye........Asher and Ashley Fitzgerald......

---after school---

Ashley's POV

I am currently on my bed, looking through my phone all the things that I have missed during school. I feel a vibration from my phone and find Clara texting 'Asher'.

Clara Vandell😝: Hey Asher!
Asher Fitzgerald: Sup
Clara Vandell😝: I had so much fun hanging out with you and Ashley! The last time I hung out with both of you was after you and Matthew made up and had a HUGE MAKE OUT SESSION! 💋
Asher Fitzgerald: yea....

My mind switches back to reality once I hear the sound of the doorbell. I go downstairs and open the door to find this dark haired guy wearing a black leather jacket with a plain white t-shirt. You can see his perfectly defined and muscular body through the shirt. His jawline is so sharp that it could sear through my body like a knife. He has dark brown eyes and rosy red lips that look soft. "Holy cheese balls......" Is the only words I can let out of my mouth at the moment.

"Heh...." he lets out a little laugh as I stand still at the door staring at him with drool most likely coming out of my mouth.

"Listen, I didn't come here to play, this is serious business. I'm looking for Ashley Fitzgerald." He says in a serious tone

"That's me!" I say

"My name is Kayden Smith, I'm from the FBI, and I've come here to ask you the question.....why do you and Asher Fitzgerald, who you claim to be your cousin, have the same fingerprints?" He says showing off his badge which leaves me in panic.

"Oh no.........."Is the only thing I can think about right now

Hey guys! I was originally supposed to make a sequel for this book but then I decided just to add it to this one.

What's Ashley gonna do? What will happen to Ashley? And most importantly, WHAT DOES THIS HOT FBI AGENT LOOK LIKE??!!!

Find out in the next chapter of 'If I Were A Boy'. Anyways, cya!:)

(Btw it's ma bday today and I'm hoping that you guys will wish me a happy one, even tho it's on a Monday)

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