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Matt Adams: hey babe
Matt Adams: I miss you...
Matt Adams: please reply...

My phone has been busting with text messages from Matt to 'Asher'. I haven't really been turning to Asher lately because of everything happening at the moment. Plus my emotions have been blocking my powers so I can't really turn into Asher.

I let out a depressing sigh. After looking at those messages, it doesn't make me feel any better that my supposed 'boyfriend' is sending these saddening messages.

"Ash, do we have to do this again?!" Anne says angrily as she barges in.

"Hey! I am 17 year old teenager who is going through some stress and depression right now, I am having boyfriend problems AND an FBI Agent is on my trail!" I yell back in response

"That is no excuse, education is still your main priority. Especially now, it's your senior year and you need to get in a good college!" She exclaims

"Are you seriously lecturing me about how school is more important?" I give her a sneer look

"Yes I am! Now you better get your butt in that shower or I will make you!" She yells in a stern tone

"I'm really gonna enjoy this school year......" I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes

---in school---

"Don't you just hate it?" Clara says with an annoyed look on her face

"Hate what?" I raise my brows

"KAYDEN!" She yells

"Well, obviously but what did he do to make 'Pissed Clara'?"

"Are you seriously gonna name me that when I'm mad?"

"Yep" I say as she rolls her eyes

"Anyways, Kayden has only been here for one day and he's already the most popular guy in the school!" She rants

"It's true, for the first time.....girls haven't crowded around me just to kiss me." Matthew says as he barges into our conversation

"How do you know it's just because they realized that you're taken?" I ask

"Well, because girls have been doing it even when I was still with Asher........." he says awkwardly

"What?!" Clara yells

"Look I know it sounds bad---" Matt says before being interrupted by Clara

"BAD?! THAT IS HORRIBLE! Wait 'till Asher finds out, and we'll see--" Clara yells before I interrupt her

"Stop!" I take a quick pause before continuing. "Fighting is not gonna help any of us. Asher has gone MIA (Missing In Action), I've got an FBI Agent on my trail, and Matt is going through his......girl.....drama......" I say

"I couldn't but hear you say that Asher went MIA." Kayden says as he interrupts our conversation

"Ya know what, I am sick and tired of---"Clara says before Matt tries to hold her before she does something stupid to Kayden.

"Wow, you're friend sure is feisty. Anyways, I gotta get to class, why don't you come and join me?" Kayden says

"Why?" I say in response

"Because we have the same class, Science." He explains

"Fine. But only this once!" I say before going with him to Science class

Hey guys! Look, I'm sorry for not posting in a while. I know I say this a lot but seriously, school can be a hassle. Btw, if you didn't know, I made a new book called 'If Only There Was Someone' and I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out. (If you want more details about why I made it, check out the message I posted)

Will anyone get suspicious about Asher not being there? Is Ashley in safe hands with Kayden? Will anything bad happen to 'Masher'?

Find out in the next chapter of 'If I Were A Boy'. Anyways, cya!:)

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