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I Have Questions- Camila Cabello

"Question"Clara says as she flops on my bed

"What?" I ask

"Last week, when you fainted.....

"Here we go again" I say as I roll my eyes

"Why'd you faint?" She asks raising her brows

"It's because I felt guilty and I pitied.....Mandy......" I say as I look around, pretending that I'm doing something

"Mandy? The one who made Ashley, YOUR COUSIN, SUFFER!" She screams

"No matter how many times she hurts me or anyone else, she doesn't deserve to be treated like crap." I say "Everybody deserves a second chance!" I say as Clara raises her brows at me. "People can change, ya know!" I say as Clara rolls her eyes.

"Your pure heart is blinding my eyes! Make it stop!" She says as she looks always while I roll my eyes.

"Alright, stop!" I say as I slowly remove her arms from covering her face.

"Your such a goodie goodie!" She says with sass

"Or maybe he just has a good heart." Matthew says as he comes out of he restroom and back into my room

"Baby! Your back!" Clara squeals. I slap Clara lightly on the shoulder while she rolls her eyes

"So, what'd I miss?" He asks

"So much!" Clara squeals as Matthew raises his brows

"Clara was asking me about why I fainted." I say

"Oh, that's probably why I could hear screams from across the hallway."

---in school---

As I enter the school with Clara and Matthew, I realize that Mandy is dressed in baggy clothes and dark circles under her eyes.

"Have you guys realized that Mandy....hasn't really been acting like herself lately?" I ask

"Probably because of shade that Matt over here threw at her." Clara says

"I was giving her a pep talk!" Matthew debates

"Ya, the pep talk of DOOM!" Clara says with a chuckle as Matthew lightly slaps her arm

"HEY! Ex-girlfriend abuse!" Clara screams as Matthew rolls his eyes

As I look in a different direction, I realize that Mandy is staring at us.

"Uhhh.....guys?" I say as I point to Mandy.

Once she realizes that our eyes are on her, she turns the other way and runs to women's restroom. We chase after her but stop outside the restroom. "Well? What are you waiting for?!" Clara yells

"Um...we can't go in there!" Matthew says as Clara rolls her eyes

Clara's POV

"Hello? Mandy? Where are you?" I say as I enter the room. Nothing. No response whatsoever. Instead of looking under the stalls, I do the unexpected. I tip toe slowly and discreetly to each stall and bring myself up on each stall. "AHA!" I scream

She looks up at me with tears streaming down her face. I get in the stall and go on my knees. "Mandy, I'm sorry...." I whisper

"Don't be. You guys were right....I was being mean. And yes, I know it wasn't just Matthew thinking the same way." She says softly

I look down at the ground as I start to feel the guilt rushing in my chest. "Why........why'd you make Ashley suffer?" I say taking everything but of me not to feel this way.

"I was insecure! Ashley has it all! Looks, grades, talent, EVERYTHING! While I just stood there, and was placed as second best, or worse!" She pauses before continuing. "I was jealous, and..... something happened...." she says looking away as she starts to cry again.

"What happened?" I ask

"I once dated Jacob Braxton........ and I was completely in love with him. ........One day........I went to surprise him for our anniversary so I went to the boy's locker room......and I overheard him talking about Ashley.......about how hot and pretty she was and after that.......I just snapped." She confesses as she breakdown right in front of me.

Ashley's POV

"What's taking her so long?!" Matthew says with a grunt

"I don't know......" I say softly

As soon as I said that, Clara comes out with her hand around a crying Mandy.

Mandy looks at Clara as she nods and says: "I'm sorry for everything that I've done......I hope that one day you can forgive me........"

"Mandy....can Matthew, Asher and I talk in private please?" Clara asks with a gentle tone. Mandy nods then walks to her next class.

"What happened in there?" I ask curiously

Clara takes a deep breath before explaining what happened.

Thank you guys so much for reading! Did any of you guys get emotional in this chapter? Cuz I know I did just writing it. Anyways, cya! :)

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