New Beginnings

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^Begin Again- Taylor Swift

"Hey guys....." I greet Clara and Matthew gloomily. My eyes widen as I realize that there are a bunch of guys from the football team surrounding us.

"You're probably wondering what this whole thing is." Clara says with a half smile

"After the stunt that Kayden pulled, I asked my guys to surround us and protect us from any threat that Kayden might do." Kayden days with a huge smile on my face to attempt to make me feel safe.

"Thanks guys but I don't think that'll be necessary....." I say as both of them tilt their headstone the side in confusion

"W-what do you mean?" Clara exclaims

"Ashley couldn't take the risk of being put in the position I was in, and I understood that. A topic like that is very sensitive and traumatic, especially for Ashley." I explain as the atmosphere starts to turn gloomy and depressing.

"Hey...." Kayden says guiltily as the football players surround us like bodyguards

"It's fine...." I say as the guys start to give way for Kayden

"What the hell do you want?" Clara says giving Kayden attitude

"Look, I just wanted to apologize for how I've acted towards you guys lately......" He says apologetically

"Now you realize it? Now is the time when you finally realize that you're acting like a jerk! Do you know the pain you have caused to the ones I love?! Sure, I may have met you just yesterday, but I can already tell that not only are you big and bad on the outside, you're heart is stone cold and radiating with darkness." I argue as Kayden looks down on the ground guiltily.

"Then give me a second chance to grow a better heart." He says looking back up at me with a glimmer in his eyes that are full of pleas

I step closer to him and whisper in his ear "You're an 18 year old FBI Agent, you expect me to trust you?" I take a step back, keeping my distance.

"At least give me a chance to explain myself." He begs

I look back at Clara and Matthew and they just shrug back in response.

"Fine. But this is your last chance, so you better use it well." I say before leaving.

Honestly, it felt good to finally stand up for myself. Sure I'm Asher right now but, I still did something good for myself and I'm proud.

I AM SO SORRY FOR UPDATING THIS LATE! You're probably tired of all my excuses but the ultimate excuse of all In life we're always busy, if not then.......I don't know.

Will Kayden be able to change his attitude? Will Kayden use this second chance properly and earn Ashley's trust?

Find out in the next chapter of "If I Were A Boy". Anyways, cya!:)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2017 ⏰

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