My First Everything

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As I enter the school, I realize how much my life has changed ever since I turned into a boy. I look to the side and feel someone pull me towards the janitor's closet.

"I can't stop thinking about you!" I hear someone say as their breath fans my face. "You make me feel alive, you make me crazy!" I hear the person say.

I recognize that voice from somewhere, I just can't put my finger on it. "Who are you?" I say

Once the mysterious person turns on the lights, I gasp to his presence.

"MATTHEW?!" I scream

He covers my mouth and I start to fight back. I lick his hand to remove it from my face. "His hand taste like apple with a hint of cinnamon, is that creepy?" I think to myself

"Shh! No one can hear us!" He whispers.

"Is this a prank, because if it is I swear--"

"IT'S NOT A PRANK!" He screams

He covers his mouth realizing what he's done while I just cross my arms and give him a sneer look.

"Look, I'm gay.........and no one else knows that.........except you, my family, and my closest friends." He takes a pause before continuing. "And your the first guy that's ever made me feel this way." He says

"Is this why you broke up with Clara?" I say in disappointment

"Yes........"he sighs

"Why like that?! Why'd you have to break up with her the worst way possible?!" I say angrily

"Because I thought it was easier!" He screams

I step back, not wanting to deal with this kind of attitude.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have screamed." He says

"How is cheating on your girlfriend easier than breaking up with that person, all you had to say was that you were gay and she would've understood! I mean, she understood me......." I say

"I KNEW IT!" He squeals

I look at him in confusion while he stands close to me turning red like a tomato.

"I meant that I knew you were gay......." he says looking down

"How'd you find out?" I say with a chuckle

"I know my own kind, plus I could see the way you were looking at me." He says with a smirk

I start to blush while he lets out a little chuckle.

"I'll come out if you will." He says

OH THANK GOD! This closet is so hot and I might be late for clas--"

"I meant coming out that we're gay!" He screams as he interrupts me

"So now you have the confidence to come out?" I say raising my brows

"Only for you, I will" he says leaning towards me as his breath fans my face.

The only thing I can think about at the moment is "Should I kiss him?! Should I wait for him to make the move?!"

"Ya know what, I'm just gonna go for it!" I think to myself before our lips touch.

EEEEEEKKKK!!!!!! Are you guys on #TeamMasher or what?! I'm feeling all giddy just thinking about this chapter. EEEEEEKKK! Ok, ok, I'm calm now.........EEEEKK! Jk, I'm serious now. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Anyways, cya! :)

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