Watching My Every Step

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⬆️Kayden Smith⬆️

Last night was a very traumatic moment for me, it's not just everyday that an FBI Agent knocks on your door to ask you why you and the boy version of you have the same fingerprints. Yep, definitely not an everyday thing.

I am currently lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, as I replay the last night in my mind.

"Ashley, hurry up, you're gonna be late for school!" Anne yells as she barges in

"Tell me something Anne, what's the point of going to school if an FBI Agent is on your trail." I say with a blank expression on my face

"Ash, we'll get through this, we always do." Anne says in a soft tone as she sits down on the bed

"But what if we don't?" I yell as I get off the bed.

"Ash, if you can learn how to switch form a boy to a girl, then you can definitely learn how to manipulate their looks"

"I guess........"

"Now, get inside that shower and get ready for school! CHOP CHOP!" Anne yells as she realizes that I'm about to to be late for school.

"Geez, so bossy...." I say softly as I approach the bathroom

"What did you just say?!" Anne yells


---in school---

"Seriously?!" Clara says as I explain to her and Matt about last night


".......Is he cute?" Clara asks as I let out a little chuckle

"Yes, he's cute AND HOT." I exclaim

"He can't be THAT hot...." Matthew says

"What are you jealous?" Clara says with sass. Matthew looks around and rubs his arm awkwardly in response. Me and Clara burst into fits of laughter while Matthew rolls his eyes.

"You're seriously laughing at me again?" He says in an annoyed manner

"Psh, why not?" I say as Clara laughs harder

"DO YOU NEED SOME ICE FOR THAT BURN??!!!" Clara laughs in between words

"Whatever, I'm gonna get to class..." Matt says as he walks away leaving us on the ground in fits of laughter.

---in class---

"I'm surprised you guys decided to show your faces after that little stunt you pulled......"Matt says giving us a sneer look

"First of all, laughing at your face wasn't a stunt. Second of all, it's your fault that you let your emotions get the best of you."

"OOOOOHHHH DOUBLE BURN!!!"Clara yells with a huge smile on her face

"Whatever" Matt rolls his eyes.

"Hello class, we have a new student joining us." The teacher says as the new student walks in. A take a moment to take a good look at him. I go into shock as I realize who just walked in this classroom. "Oh. My. Gosh." I let out in a soft tone.

"Do you know that guy?" Matt whispers in my ear

"That's Kayden Smith......" I whisper back

"Wait, who now?" Clara asks with raised brows

"The FBI Agent from last night......" I say still stunned from his presence here

"Hey Ashley, did you miss me?" Kayden says with a smirk on his face as he approaches me

"What are you doing here?!" I ask angrily

"Keeping an eye on you, we wouldn't want you pulling any stunt now, would we?"

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" Clara yells angrily

"Miss Vandell, I don't think you'd wanna mess with me. You see, I am a professional FBI Agent who is tasked to keep an eye on your friend. I am told to follow strict orders, but it wasn't said that I couldn't do anything bad to any of you guys." Kayden says

"You are one sick, twisted person." Matt says in disgust

"How do you know my name?" Clara asks

"I know everyone's names, I know anything about everything. Like I said, I am a professional and I am not some toy that you can mess with." Kayden  says before leaving to sit on his designated seat.

"Don't worry Ash, we've go your back. We won't let you out of our sight whatsoever." Clara smiles as she attempts to cheer me up

Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long to make this chapter, I've been really busy with school.

Will Ashley be able to survive with an FBI Agent watching her back 24/7?

Find out in the next chapter of 'If I Were A Boy'. Anyways, cya!:)

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