Working With The Rival

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Here I am, in Science class, sitting beside the person I dislike the most. I usually don't hold grudges and have a 'disliked people' list, but if I did his name would be written all over it.

"All right class, so you will be working on a project on how you can save the environment." My science teacher says

"Is this an individual project?" One of my classmates whom I don't know asks

"No, you will be partnered up by me. Joel, you'll be with Kristen. Allison, you'll be with Summer. Ashley, you'll be wth Kayden---"

And from that moment on, I dreaded ever living.

"Miss Baker, I think you mixed me up with someone else." I say

"No, that's how it says on my list."

"Can I exchange partners with anyone?" I ask desperately

"Is anyone willing to exchange partners with Ashley?" Miss Baker asks. The room goes silent, yet I still have a glimpse of hope that someone will exchange partners with me.

"Well since no one is willing to exchange partners with Ashley, then I guess you're stuck with Kayden."

---after class---

"Miss Baker, I'm pretty sure that someone else was supposed to be partners with Kayden." I say as I approach Miss Baker.

"Miss Fitzgerald, I'm sorry to say this but lately you haven't been that efficient in your studies. Luckily, Kayden was willing to help you get your grades up!" She says cheerfully

I slowly turn my head to face Kayden and see him giving that greedy smirk he does when he does something suspicious.

I am going to dread this week......

---the next day---

It's a Saturday, and Kayden is supposed to come over so we can start making our project.

"Ding dong" I hear the doorbell ring

I rush downstairs and open the door as quickly as possible. I just wanna get this over with.

"Hey....." he says awkwardly

"Well, are you gonna come in or not?" I say a little angrily

"Geez, you don't have to be so feisty about it. I'm gonna come in!" He says before waking through the door.

I take in a deep breath before talking. "Let's go to my room." I say with straight face

---in my room---

"You're room looks.....neutral" He says

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Why, neutral? Don't you girls like pink and sparkles and stuff?" He raises his brows in confusion

"Not all girls like 'pink and sparkles'. All girls are different, and I thought you would know that." I say turning the other way.

"That's right, make him feel bad! So then he won't find out about your secret." I think to myself

"Look...." he says placing his hand in my shoulder. I turn to face him and i realize that our faces are really close. I can feel his warm breath fan my face and his gentle touch sends shivers done my spine.

"ASHLEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING! He's the enemy!" I think to myself. I just gave myself the slap of reality I needed

I take a step backward and he starts to look down awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, that was very unprofessional of me." He says apologetically

"It's fine" I say

"Look, I'm sorry for criticizing you. I just say what's on my mind without thinking sometimes." He says

"Well you should've done the professional thing and think! I thought you were an FBI." I say turning away from him again and looking out the window.

"I am, but I'm still young. We all make mistakes, and just because I'm an FBI, it doesn't mean that I don't make mistakes. And I thought you would know that." He says turning away too

"Great, now I feel guilty...." I think to myself

A frown starts to spread across my face and I see him looking at me with the corner of his eye.

He turns to face me and says "Don't underestimate me, I've learned all the tricks. I know how psychology works." He says in a serious tone

"He played with my emotions!" I think to myself angrily

That's it, he is the worst human being I have ever met. Hands. Down.

HALLO MY PEEPS! Sorry for not updating in so long, I've been having writers block. BUT NOW IM BACK!

What will happen to Ashley knowing that she has to work with Kayden? Will this rivalry ever end?

Find out in the next chapter of "If I Were A Boy". Anyways, cya!:)

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