Chapter Nineteen- Adjustments

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| Chapter Nineteen |

|| Anthony's P-O-V ||

It's been 3 months since Nicky and Tee died. The funeral broke a lot of people's hearts, one lady actually had a heart attack.

It was crazy sad, nobody expected it and although I was there when they died, I still couldn't believe it. It seemed like yesterday we was sitting around laughing at Waffle House and now we're here. They're gone. I hate Ash has to grow without them, but she has me. I took full custody over her. Of course Te'osha's parents, my aunt and uncle, weren't too happy about that, but I knew better not to leave a child in their hands. They're some foul people and she don't deserve to be around people like them.

Autumn is almost 4 months pregnant now. So she's showing and having all those pregnancy side effects. She goes to the doctor every month and dragged me to the last one. Her doctor is nice, a little too nice, if you ask me.

Kim finally confessed that she was raped at the airport, by a lady. I was enraged and set out to find who it was. Like always, I found her and finished her off. After what happened in these last few months, only thing on my mind is 'family'. If you ain't fam, you ain't rolling, and if you ain't rolling, you getting the fuck out my face.

Jamie's out of jail, now. He says he's going to do better, but he knows its too late to get out the game. Now is the worst time to walk out. East side still holding grudges; South side is finally opening their noses and smelling the roses, and are backing out of the gang war.

I know they're going to pull something stupid. I can feel it. I'm so tired of killing these niggas it ain't funny. They just don't understand I'm a professional, they're just so fucking stupid.

I walk into the living room to find Kim and Trey on the couch talking. I don't know what's going on between the two, but I just know they talk almost everyday. Maybe they're in a relationship; Trey's a good dude he just been hurt by so many girls. She's too young, though; and he knows better not to go there.

I walked into the bedroom where Autumn sat on the bed staring at the wall. We needed to get out of this depression state, not just for the health of the baby, but for the health of this relationship.

I was so far gone in depression, that I accidentally cheated on her. I know, I know, I'm a bitch ass nigga, but you don't understand how much that is eating me up on the inside. Of course, I am not in love with another woman, and I damn sure ain't about to leave my fiance for a 2 dollar hoe. It was a one-night stand, I was depressed and drunk. Something told me to go home, but I went straight to a club. Why? I don't know.

At the club, I met this girl. Between me and you, she was bad; body like stripper and the smile of an angel. She came to me, and it went from there. I wasn't alert until it was too late.

When I realized what I was doing, I stopped; mid stroke. She started asking questions, but I didn't answer. Then, she kissed me; I blanked out and shot her. I called Trey and West to help clean up. By then, a nigga was shedding tears and punching holes in the hotel walls. I really fucked up.

Then, I came home. As soon as I came in contact with my Babygirl's eyes, it felt as if every bullet I set afire went straight into my heart. She was hurt, she was passed hurt, she looked as if I broke her. I knew I had fucked up. I did more than fucked up, I destroyed this shit.

Now I sit here 3 months later, still trying to fix this one of a kind heart that I completely shattered. She went quiet on me for a while. She'd just sleep on the couch or in Ash's room never once getting in the bed with me. Some days she didn't even want to look at me.

  "Autumn?" I asked.

  "Yeah." she replied briefly getting up and putting Ash in her crib, that sat in the corner of the room.

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