Part 2

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*a week later* Everyone on the set of "Supernatural" had their suspicions about Jared and Jensen's relationship being "more than just friends".

But nobody felt like there was something going on behind closed doors more than Misha.

No matter where he was or what he was doing, it seemed he was always tweeting about something (usually about something completely random).

This worried Jared more than anything because as he saw Misha leave his trailer one afternoon before going on set, he pulled Jensen aside and said "We cannot tell Misha! Whatever your plan is for getting us out of these stupid marriage contracts and finally living our lives the way we always wanted, we can't tell Misha!"

"Why?" Jensen asked as he took a sip from his water bottle

"You know why!" Jared replied "Misha cannot keep a secret even if his life depended on it."

Jensen thought for a moment then, remembered an incident at a con where Misha almost outed them.

"You're right. He can't know about this." He said

"Know about what, guys?" Misha asked as he walked up behind Jared and Jensen

Jared gave Jensen a serious look.

"Know about the next scene. There's been a change in the lines. Apparently, someone forgot to write in the scene where you speak enochian." Jensen said

"Is that all?" Misha asked, taking the script and reading it "Well, how about that! I'm gonna have a word with the producer about this to see if this problem can be resolved."

"Hey! That was my script!" Jensen shouted

"Well, that got rid of him." Jared said

"For now." Jensen added

Later on set, Jared couldn't focus on his lines.

Jensen tried to help but, it just lead to more material for the gag reel.

Finally, the crew gave in and called for a short break.

"What's going on? You usually remember your lines perfectly." Jensen said

Jared sighed.

"Gen and I got into another fight. I think she's wanting to expose us." He said

"Did you tell her not to? Because I had the same argument with Danni this morning. I think she and Gen might be talking to each other again. And both you and I can imagine what they might be talking about." Jensen said

Jared shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.

"I can imagine." He said

Later after filming, Jared and Jensen were in Jared's trailer spending time together just talking when there was a knock on the door.

"Are you gonna get that?" Jared asked with a smile as he tickled Jensen in the ribs

"You have to get off me first." Jensen replied with a wink

"I don't want to." Jared protested

"Then, you get the door." Jensen said before playfully reaching around and pinching Jared on the rear making him scream and jump up

Jared walked to the door giving Jensen the "I'm watching you" glare as he opened the door.

"Hi Rob!" He greeted as he saw Rob standing outside

"Hey Jared! Um, I hope I'm not interrupting anything between you and Jensen." Rob said

"No! No no, not at all! Nothing going on here." Jared said awkwardly

Rob raised an eyebrow.

"Then, why did I hear you scream like a little girl just now before you came over here?" He asked

"There was a...a spider! Yeah! A huge spider in my trailer." Jared said as he grabbed a magazine and rolled it up "Jensen and I are looking for it. You might want to go now."

"I'll let you get back to that." Rob said, nodding and walking away mumbling "weirdo." under his breath

After Rob left, Jared closed the door and let out a sigh.

"A spider?" Jensen asked

"I had to think of something. Rob was getting suspicious." Jared said

"Everyone is Jay! That's why we have to think of something fast. But try to remain under the radar so we don't lose our careers." Jensen said

Jared thought for a moment and said "I think I got it. Do you remember earlier today when you told Misha that someone messed up the script?"

"Yeah!" Jensen laughed "that was hilarious!"

"What if we actually insert something into the script? You know, sneak it in." Jared asked

"Why? That would just get us yelled at." Jensen said

"But, you're directing the next episode. Nobody has to know it was us who tampered with the script." Jared said

That's when Jensen was on board for this idea.

"Hey! You're right Jay! I do have some say in the next episode. Now, let's see that script." He said

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