part 8

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A week later, Jared and Jensen were out on a date just spending time together trying hard not to think about what was happening in Austin when when a loud knock on the window they were sitting by in the restaurant having lunch interrupted their happy moment.

Jared looked over and saw Misha with a horrified and sick look on his face.

"Misha?! What's he doing?" Jared asked looking back at Jensen

"Don't know. It's probably some prank on us to promote GISHWES or something." Jensen replied clueless

Then, they heard the faint sound of Misha yell "Oh come on!" before he walked inside.

Both Jared and Jensen looked at each other in confusion as Misha walked up to their table and sat down.

"I'm glad I found you guys when I did. There's something I think you two need to see. I should warn you, it's a little graphic." Misha said

"Misha, this isn't the best time." Jensen said

"Yeah. We're on a date. Can't you show us your prank some other time?" Jared added

"That's not what this is about." Misha said

"Then, what are you going to show us?" Jensen asked

Misha sighed and turned his phone around showing Jared and Jensen a picture of a note one of the wives wrote confessing to drowning their kids.

"Oh my God!" Jared cried

"I knew something like this would happen." Jensen said

"I'm in shock as well. I didn't know this would happen. I knew about the furniture and your things getting destroyed but, this is just heartless of them." Misha said

"It's because they don't want us to have contact with the kids." Jensen said

"How can you tell?" Misha asked

"Our exes freaked out when they found out about us." Jared said "Even going so far as to cut off contact with the kids."

"But the kids have since gone behind their mother's backs just to talk to us." Jensen said

"Tom, Shep and JJ only wanted to talk to us. They didn't deserve what happened here!" Jared said

"And as for the twins and Odette, they're just babies! They don't know what's going on!" Jensen said, clearly angry at the situation now

"I have some good news." Misha said as he turned off his phone

"Please! After hearing that, we could use some good news." Jared said

"Your neighbors called the police and they are investigating the drowning. So far, it looks like the ladies could be facing jail time." Misha said

Jared and Jensen thought it was unfortunate that the women they were married to and thought they knew so well for seven years did something so extreme as kill their kids and would possibly be going to jail for it but if it meant getting justice for the kids they lost then, it would be worth it.

"I guess this means we can tell our lawyers to go ahead and get them to sign the papers." Jensen said

"Yeah. The girls have enough legal trouble to deal with now that this has happened." Jared replied

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