Part 17

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Later in the hospital room, Jared was panicking.

"Oh my God! It's Evie's birth all over again! What if there's something wrong with Lucas?" He asked

"Don't worry. There's nothing wrong with him, Jay. Just try to relax." Jensen said

"That's what you said last time we were in this position." Jared replied before he let out a scream of pain

Jensen said nothing.

He just remembered the first time they had to go through this.

* flashback-2006*

Just like in the car before, Jared was back to screaming in pain.

"It'll be over soon, Jay. Just try to relax, okay?...Can you do that?" Jensen reassured

"Just stop talking!" Jared shouted

"Alright." Jensen said "How about we try to think of a middle name for our little girl?"

"Sounds good to me..." Jared said as another pain hit him

"Allison." Jensen suggested

"Hate it." Jared groaned

"Amelia?" Jensen asked

"Dude, by the time you get to Z, our daughter's going to be in Kindergarten!" Jared shouted as he finally reached for the 'nurse call' button

"Well I don't see you picking any middle names." Jensen said

"That's because I already had one picked out." Jared replied

"You didn't tell me?" Jensen asked

"It was a surprise. I was going to wait till the ninth month to tell you but, now that's not possible." Jared said

Jensen laughed.

"No kidding." He replied

*End flashback*

Jared was screaming in pain as doctors and nurses rushed around the room.

Meanwhile, Jensen began to lose feeling in his hand as Jared was gripping it tighter and tighter.

Trying not to pass out from having his hand crushed, Jensen asked "Jay, do you remember when Evie was born?"

Jared began to cry.

"Every day." He replied

*flashback-2006* Jared had been in labor for half of the day and still no baby.

Something was wrong.

"We're going to have to do a C-section." the doctor finally said

Jared was devastated.

He cried as the doctors and nurses wheeled him to the operating room.

"Jay, maybe there's a good side to this. Maybe they're wrong and Evie will be okay." Jensen tried to console

"I don't know, Jack." Jared sighed

*End Flashback*

Jared was about to talk about how sad that day still makes him feel but, he was soon cut off by another contraction.

"Push!" They heard from across the room

Jared fell back into the pile of pillows keeping him supported and groaned.

Soon, Jensen's grip loosened and he fell on his face.

"Jack?" Jared asked

"I think you cut off circulation." Jensen said

Jared tried to smile but, it was too painful.

Soon, he let out a loud scream.

"Oh my god! Here we go again!" Jensen thought as he covered his ears


Just before the nurses had the chance to administer the anesthesia, Jared still needed to be calmed down about the situation.

But it was obvious that Jared needed more than just comforting words to get him to come back down to Earth.

"Jay, just focus on me. Okay?" Jensen said "That's all I need you to do."

"What if they knock me out and you leave the room?" Jared asked

"That's not gonna happen. I'll make sure of that." Jensen replied

"Promise?" Jared asked

"I promise." Jensen replied

As Jared and Jensen talked, the doctors and nurses could be heard talking about where to make an incision and risks and quietly talking among themselves.

"I hope Evie's okay." Jared said

Jensen kissed Jared's hand and replied "I think she'll be fine."

*End Flashback*

"Here he comes!" Jared and Jensen heard from across the room

The next sound they heard was that of their son's first cry.

"Well Jay, what do you think?" Jensen asked

"I should be asking you! He was living in me for seven months." Jared said with a chuckle

"He's amazing." Jensen replied

Later as Jared recovered, Jensen took the time to bond with little Lucas.

It reminded him of when he visited Evie in the NICU and would send pictures to Jared all those years ago.

*Flashback-2006* Since Jared wasn't allowed to see Evie, Jensen took it upon himself to try to spend what little time they had with their little girl (and when Jared was well enough he would be allowed to see her)

So, the afternoon after little Evie was born, Jensen sat next to Evie's incubator and talked to her.

It broke his heart to see his little princess hooked up to all of those monitors fighting for her life.

"Being in there isn't very fun, is it princess?" He asked before Evie let out a tiny cry

Jensen reached a hand in the incubator and let Evie hold his finger.

"I wish your Daddy and I could take you home right now but you gotta stay here and try to get well." He said as he began to tear up "We love you so much Evie."

*End Flashback*

"You have no idea how much your Daddy and I went through while waiting for you to get here." Jensen said to Lucas as he rocked him to sleep "Maybe you don't understand now. But, someday maybe you will."

"Are you still talking to him as if he can understand what you're saying?" Jared asked groggily

"Why not?" Jensen asked "He seems happy just to listen to our voices."

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