Part 16

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Later at the hospital, Jensen sat at Jared's bedside as he slept.

He tried to take his mind off of what the Paramedic had said earlier.

But, it was just too hard to.

He tried to watch the TV to occupy his mind until he felt Jared take the remote from him and change the channel.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Jensen asked

"I hate this channel." Jared replied groggily

Jensen laughed as he moved to lay on the bed next to Jared.

They were about to cuddle and watch TV when a doctor came in and asked "How are you feeling, Jared?"

Jared and Jensen looked around.

"Fine! I feel fine!" Jared said

The doctor chuckled.

"Well, I just got your ultrasound scan back from the lab." The doctor began

"Ultrasound? What ultrasound?" Jared asked

"The one they took while you were asleep." Jensen said

"Anyway, the scan showed that the baby is healthy." The doctor continued to say

"That's good news, right?" Jared asked

"Of course! But to continue on that road, you will need to wear a fetal monitor until the baby is born." the doctor said as he looked at his notes

"Wait a minute! Won't this effect our jobs onset? His character in "Supernatural", Sam is pregnant as well." Jensen said

"I guess I could make an exception for your work." The doctor said

"Thanks!" Jared said

The next week, Jensen and Jared sat in their trailer preparing for another scene (since filming from the week before was halted due to Jared being in the hospital.) when they were both called to the set.

Jared started feeling pain in his lower abdomen but, tried to keep it quiet so he could get this scene done.

In the scene they were working on that day, Jared was on the bunker set walking around and saying his lines into the prop cell phone as in this scene, Sam was on the phone with Dean who was away looking for the "big bad" of the episode.

Jared was just about to finish the scene when, he felt another pain.

Again, he fought it off and continued the scene.

But, how long would this go on?

Jared took a moment to rest while Jensen and Misha filmed their scenes separately.

He wondered why all of a sudden, he was feeling pain.

He also hoped it wasn't labor pain since (in his mind at least) it was too soon.

Then, he began to drift off into his thoughts of the first time this happened.


Jared and Jensen were working on a scene in a diner when Jared began to feel some pain in his lower abdomen.

He tried to fight it off as much as possible but eventually as the day wore on, it caught up to him.

During a scene being filmed on site at a cemetery, Jared doubled over in pain leaning on a nearby headstone.

Jensen stopped the scene and ran to Jared's side.

"Jay, what's wrong?" He asked

"It hurts!" Jared said as he tried not to cry

"What hurts? Is the baby coming?" Jensen asked

Jared nodded.

"Yeah." He replied

Soon, Jensen called for the producers to end the filming so he could take Jared to the hospital.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright." He reassured Jared

*End Flashback*

When Jared heard his name being called, he stood up only to feel something wet between his legs.

By this time, Jensen was seated next to him and watching with concern.

"Jay, you alright?" He asked

"I think we need to go to the hospital." Jared said

"Now? But, you're not due to give birth until two months from now." Jensen replied

"I know. But, the little guy decided to show up early." Jared said

Jensen was clearly more nervous than the first time this happened.

Because now that this was happening now , they had to figure out a way to continue the current storyline of the show.

So Jensen thought of talking to Bob about what to do while he went back to the trailer to get Jared's bag.

Meanwhile, Jared stayed behind trying to hold off the labor pains as long as he could.

When Jensen returned, Jared was switching from being bent over the stunt impala crying for Jensen to shaking Misha and screaming in his face to shut up.

"Jay! Jay! It's okay. I'm here." Jensen reassured Jared as he soothed his lover "Come on. Let's go the car."

Later, in the car, Jared turned to Jensen and asked "So, what did Bob say about the storyline?"

"He said that since you were having the baby now, you were going to have to wear a fake belly." Jensen said

Jared nodded.

"Sounds fair." He said before he was interrupted by a contraction

"Don't worry, Jay. We're almost there. Just try to breathe, okay?" Jensen said

As he drove, he recalled the first time this happened.


As they made the drive to hospital, Jared screamed the whole way there.

"Breathe, Jay! In and out... In and out. Come on, Jay. You can do it!" Jensen said

Jared tried to but it hurt too much.

Then, Jared stopped screaming and whispered "Jack, my water broke."

Jensen sped his car up and weaved through traffic as Jared's labor increased.

Soon, just as the two made it to the hospital in record time, the sound of a police siren was heard behind them.

Jensen looked out the window with wide eyes and exclaimed "What the fuck?!"

*end flashback*

By the time they arrived at the hospital this time, there was no police car following them.

In fact, everything seemed surprisingly calm...until Jared got to his room.

Then, that's when all sense of staying calm went out the window.

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