Part 21

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*A few days later* After a much needed break, Jared and Jensen were back on set with little Lucas in tow.

As Jared was looking over the script, Jensen was holding Lucas while walking through the trailer.

Soon, Jared checked his watch and said "We're going to be late."

Jensen turned around and replied "I'll get Lucas ready."

Jared just closed the script and picked up Lucas' diaper bag.

Later on set, Jared was reading the script and going through the upcoming scene as Jensen pleaded with their intern to watch Lucas so they wouldn't have to hide him in the back of the impala (or in this case, somewhere in the bunker set out of frame).

But Jared wasn't ready for that kind of decision.

"Jensen, I don't know about that." He said

"What's wrong?" Jensen asked

"What if Lucas needs us?" Jared asked as he picked Lucas up out of his stroller

Jensen thought about it.

"Well, the last time he was on set, he was okay." He said

"That's what I'm saying!" Jared said

Jensen smiled and rested a hand on Jared's shoulder.

"You worry too much." He said

"Me?!" Jared asked "I wasn't the one who was looking for a babysitter earlier!"

Jensen just laughed.

"What?" Jared asked

"Nothing." Jensen said "Come on. Let's start the scene."

Later, Jared and Jensen were filming the scene in which Sam and Dean are in the bunker trying to track down the coven responsible for Sam's pregnancy.

Everything was going well until Lucas started to cry.

"Cut!" Jensen said before he and Jared looked under the table to see Lucas looking uncomfortable

Jared picked Lucas up and tried to comfort him.

"What's wrong?" Jensen asked

"He's just tired." Jared said as he cradled Lucas who began to fall asleep

Soon, Jared put Lucas back in his car seat and continued the scene.

Later as Jensen watched Jared continue filming, he remembered what scene this was.

This was the scene in which Sam had gone into labor unexpectedly.

Jensen dropped his script in frustration and signaled for the writers to come over.

When one of the writers showed up, Jensen could be heard from the set asking "Why wasn't this in my script? This isn't supposed to happen until next week."

"We decided to change the script at last minute." the writer said

"And not include it in mine?!" Jensen asked

Meanwhile, Jared had stopped the scene and was now staring at Jensen.

"Jen, are you okay?" he asked

Jensen sighed.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Let's just continue the scene." he said

Jensen continued to watch as Jared continued the scene.

Then, there was a part of the scene where Sam called Dean.

Jensen picked up the headset and said his lines.

As the day progressed, Jensen watched Jared act out the rest of the scene.

It was difficult for both of them to get through since they now had Lucas in their lives as well as the story being changed at last minute.

But, they managed. Somehow.

When the scene was over, Jared couldn't wait to get back to the trailer and freshen up after a long day of filming.

Jensen felt the same way as he pushed Lucas's stroller as he walked beside Jared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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