Part 10

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After filming, Jared and Jensen just hung out together.

And just like so many years before when they found themselves in this situation, they drove to a private spot in town and discussed baby names over ice cream.

"If the baby is a boy, what do you want to call him?" Jared asked

"I don't know?" Jensen asked "Dean?"

Jared just laughed out loud at Jensen.

"What?" Jensen asked

"You said that last time. You don't remember?" Jared said

Jensen shook his head and licked his cone of butter pecan.

Jared just laughed and shook his head.

*flashback-2006* "What?! You can't name our son that. That's getting kind of obsessive, don't you think?" Jared asked

"Why not? It's a good name!" Jensen replied

Jared just laughed out loud.

"Alright Jared. Since you're so opposed to my name choice, let me hear your choice for our son." Jensen said as he took a bite out of his ice cream cone

Jared sighed and replied "Lucas."

"You're such a nerd." Jensen giggled

"What?! It has nothing to do with "Star Wars", Jensen!" Jared said

"Hey if you're gonna laugh at my name choice, I get to laugh at yours!" Jensen replied

Jared rolled his eyes.

"Well what about girls' names? What are we going to call our daughter?" He asked

"Evangeline." Jensen instantly said

"Jack, that's beautiful!" Jared replied in awe

"What was your choice? Samantha?" Jensen asked

Jared sunk down in his seat in embarrassment.

"Dude! That's worse than Dean!" Jensen laughed, trying not to choke on his ice cream

*end flashback*

"So, any ideas on what to call our baby?" Jensen asked as he tried to sneak his finger into Jared's cup of chocolate chip ice cream

"We're not calling him Dean!" Jared said as he looked for the hole Jensen put in his ice cream

"Fair enough. What if the baby's a girl?" Jensen asked

"I can't go through that again." Jared said, shyly

"What do you mean? You were so happy when Evie was born." Jensen said

"But we only had her for a month until she died and we didn't get to take her home because she wasn't making any progress!" Jared said

"Alright, back to boy names. We still have a spare." Jensen said

"Lucas?" Jared asked

"Yeah." Jensen replied

"I like it." Jared replied

The next day on set, Jared felt sick.

"Jay, what's wrong? Too much ice cream?" Jensen asked

Jared shook his head.

"No. Morning sickness." He said

"Are you gonna throw up?" Jensen asked

Jared nodded and ran back to his trailer covering his mouth.

The producers looked at each other.

"When he comes back, can we have him do that again?" One of the asked Jensen

Jensen just sighed.

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