Part 20

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Later on set, Jensen watched as Jared went through the last scene of the episode in which Sam is left alone to suffer his injuries after being attacked by vampires.

As he watched Jared finish the scene, Jensen cuddled Lucas who was making small whines as he waited for his father to finish the scene.

Once Jared and Jensen were done for the day, they took Lucas who had fallen asleep and gone back home.

"It's been a busy day for our little guy." Jared said

"Yeah. But we should get some sleep before we're needed back on set in a few days." Jensen replied

"Good idea. I couldn't wait to get out of that fake pregnant belly. My back is killing me!" Jared complained

"Come on. It wasn't that long ago that you were really pregnant." Jensen said

Jared laughed.

"Good point." He said

Later at home, Jared and Jensen had just put little Lucas in his crib and were now going to watch a movie when something on the world news caught their attention.

"In tonight's top story, two former actresses are given the death penalty after a lengthy investigation into the murders of their children and destruction of their ex-husbands' property draws to a close." The reporter said

Jared and Jensen looked at each other for a brief moment before starting the movie.

"I never expected this to happen." Jared said

Jensen shrugged.

"It was the outcome. After all, they killed our kids." He said

Jared sighed. But not for the exes.

"True." He said "It wasn't like they actually loved the kids anyway."

Jensen blinked.

"What do you mean?" He asked

"One day before all of this started, I overheard JJ and the boys talking about how Gen and Danni left the kids alone to go to a party." Jared said

Jensen nodded.

"I remember. I called the house one day to check on things and JJ answered the phone. I heard the twins crying in the background. I had to stop what I was doing to come home." He said

"So did I. We were so angry!" Jared said

"I couldn't speak to Danni for a month after that." Jensen said

"A month? I avoided Gen for three." Jared said

"If they ask us to attend these executions, what are we going to do?" Jensen asked

"We don't have to go. I don't want to make things any more uncomfortable than they have already become. Plus, we shouldn't expose Lucas to something like that." Jared said

"Sounds good." Jensen replied

"Thanks." Jared said before hearing Lucas cry on the baby monitor

Jared was about to leave the room until Jensen placed the remote in his hands and said "I'll go. You can pick the movie."

"Okay." Jared replied before kissing Jensen on the cheek

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