Part 6

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After ComicCon, Jared and Jensen went back to Vancouver to play golf before going back on set.

Both of them thought they should get this pregnancy announcement out in the open before the cast begins to wonder why Jared was getting sick in the middle of filming.

Of course, everyone in the cast had their suspicions.

But now, the secret was close to being out.

They had to talk about this before it became too obvious.

They were playing the fifth hole when they both agreed to casually bring up the pregnancy in conversation.

"Okay, so I think I know how we're going to tell them. We'll just say 'Remember that one time I got pregnant and we had to try to figure out how to fit my pregnancy into the show? I guess we could use that story now.' Like that?" Jared said

"No. We'll just be honest." Jensen replied "Besides, I can't risk having your heart broken again."

Soon, their conversation was interrupted when Bob walked up to their golf cart and said "Come on! Let's go! Quit making out with each other."

Jared and Jensen just looked at each other.

"Could you...hear us?" Jared asked

"The only thing I heard was you got pregnant again." Bob said "that hasn't happened for a long time. Are you off the shots?"

"Obviously." Jared replied

Bob sighed.

"I'll tell the team to come up with something tomorrow since you'll most likely still be pregnant mid season." He said

"Thanks." Jared said

"Don't worry about it. Just take care of yourself this time." Bob said

The next day on set, Jared's phone blew up with texts from Gen.

Someone had told her what happened.

When he finally got the chance to look at his phone, Jared found seven angry texts.

G (at 6:30 am): Good morning liar! Why the hell didn't you tell me you were pregnant with Jensen's baby! Thought I wouldn't find out about your other little secret, didn't you?! Too late! 😜

G (at 9:00 am): Why won't you answer me Jared?!

G(at 11:00 am): Pick up your phone, Jared!

G (11:05 am): I'm serious 😠

G (11:10 am): Answer your texts!

G (11:20 am): Jared, if you don't answer your texts so help me, this marriage is over!

G (11:25 am): Alright, suit yourself. I'll be on the phone with my lawyer.

Jared was shocked to see all of these angry texts.

But the most shocking thing of all was that Gen was threatening divorce.

Jared thought that he would be the one to do the deed after it was announced officially that he and Jensen were expecting.

But Bob had to tell everyone.

And that made Jared sick.

"Jay, what's wrong?" Jensen asked

"Gen's threatening to divorce me." Jared said

Jensen then realized that he should check his messages.

2 from Danneel.

D (at 11:35 am): How long were you going to keep your secret life from me?

D (5 mins ago): You know what, nevermind. Don't bother answering this text Jensen! Just do us both a favor and delete my number! I'll have the divorce lawyers do the talking from now on.

Jensen turned his phone off and shoved it in his pocket.

"Jack, what did she say?" Jared asked

"She told me to delete her number. She's going to divorce me too." Jensen said "I don't get it, Jay. How are we going to talk to our kids if Gen and Danni won't talk to us?"

"I don't know." Jared replied as his ringtone went off

"Hello?" He said, answering the call hoping it wasn't an angry Gen on the other line

"Daddy? Is it true that Mommy doesn't want you to live with us anymore?" It was Tom

Both he and Shep sounded like they had been crying.

"Yeah, unfortunately. That's what's happened. I'm sorry buddy." Jared said

"Did we do something wrong?" Tom asked

"What?! No. You didn't do anything wrong. Mommy is mad at me." Jared said

This conversation went on until things seemed to be sorted out.

Then, Jared hung up feeling sick.

Jensen was about to comfort him until his own phone rang.

He pulled it out and saw that it was his mother on the called ID.

But instead of hearing his mom's voice, he heard JJ crying on the phone.

"Whoa! Whoa! JJ, what's wrong, sweetheart?" Jensen asked

"Mommy said I couldn't talk to you anymore so I ran over to Grandma's house to call you because I didn't like all the mean stuff she was saying about you." JJ said with tears streaming down her face

"I love that you called me but maybe you should have listened to your mom. I don't want this to upset you." Jensen said

"But she was calling you all kinds of mean names and saying that you and Uncle Jared were together you two loved each other and were going to have a baby together." JJ said

Jensen sighed.

Jared could sense the sadness in his voice.

That's when Jensen held out the phone to him and let him explain.

"Hi JJ! It's Jared." he said "What your mom said, about your dad and I being together and having a baby, that's true."

"Why Uncle Jared?" JJ asked

"Your daddy and I have been in love for a long time. We just haven't made it official until now. We were always told to hide our love for each other but one day, we just had enough of the hiding and lying." Jared said

"Because nobody likes a lie." JJ said

"Exactly." Jared said

"Uncle Jared?" JJ asked

"Yes?" Jared said

"Will I have to call you daddy now too?" JJ asked

Jared laughed.

"We'll see about that later." Jared said before he handed the phone back to Jensen

Once Jensen got the phone back, he asked JJ "Better?"

"Yeah." JJ replied in a small voice

After the phone call, it was Jensen's turn to feel sick.

"What happened to us?" Jensen asked

"Look, we knew coming into these marriage contracts that the day we come out and declare our love for each other would eventually be the day that our wives turn out to be complete monsters." Jared said

Jensen sighed.

"You're right." He said "I guess all we can do now is try to make it through this."

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