Part 14

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Later, Jared and Jensen came home after a long day on set and just slept in, cuddling and smiling as they felt their son make little movements between the closeness of their bodies.

Jared was almost six months along in his pregnancy and even though he at times felt like he was carrying a bowling ball around, there was still some part of him that felt like having a kid with Jensen was going to be a new and better start for both of them.

That's not to say they didn't miss the kids they already lost but, this time was going to be different.

This time, they were together.

No contracts and people in suits keeping them apart.

Just Jared and Jensen finally taking control of their own life...together.

Feeling a kick from within him, Jared grabbed Jensen's hand and put it on his belly.

Jensen smiled as he felt their son's tiny movements.

"You know something Jay? I think this turned out to be one of the best ideas we ever had." He said

Jared was confused.

"How? We could have lost our jobs if it wasn't for the fact I was pregnant." He replied

"That's what I mean. Having a baby was the only way anyone could believe that we were together." Jensen said

Jared laughed.

"What?" Jensen asked

"You do know that most of the cast and crew already knew about us, right?" He asked

"What about that day on set when Robert got mad at us for kissing?" Jensen replied

"I talked to Rich and Misha about it. They said the network still didn't know about us at the time. So, Robert wanted to give off that impression." Jared said

Jensen looked over at a small pink box on top of the dresser.

"How come the network didn't say anything now?" He asked

"What do you mean, Jack?" Jared replied with confusion

"Back when we were expecting Evie, the network tried everything to stop your pregnancy and our relationship from happening. " Jensen said

"There wasn't much they could do once I started showing." Jared replied

"Not after I yelled at Spilo that day for telling you to get an abortion." Jensen said

Jared smiled as he thought back to that day.

"Yeah. Thank you for that." He said

They both remembered the day they lost Evie well...and it breaks their hearts to look back on it.

*Flashback-2006* After a stressful month of not knowing when or if they would take their daughter home, Jared and Jensen were finally called into the hospital late one night after filming with some rather distressing news: little Evangeline had lost her battle with her many health complications.

Jensen sat holding a sobbing Jared as they waited for a nurse to bring them back to the NICU to say one last goodbye before her body was sent off to be cremated.

"I wish we had more time with her." Jared wept

"Me too, Jay." Jensen replied sadly

*End flashback*

After that, Jared and Jensen decided to keep Evie's ashes.

However, when the time came for them to part ways, Jared kept the ashes in his trailer just so nothing would happen to them (because he would be devastated if anything happened to the child he made and lost with his true love)

And what if Gen found out about this?

It was bad enough she found out about his ability to get pregnant when they came out but, if it happened any sooner, she and Danni both would have outed them faster than their heads could spin.

Soon, the moment of quiet mourning was interrupted by a small kick to Jared's insides.

"Get off!" He groaned

"Why?" Jensen asked

"Your son just kicked my bladder." Jared complained as he got up from his place on the bed and retreated to the master bathroom

"Why is he suddenly my son when he does that?" Jensen asked

"The same reason I called Evie your daughter whenever she wouldn't stay still." Jared replied

Jensen laughed.

"What's so funny?" Jared asked

"Nothing. It's just you're such a wimp when you're pregnant." Jensen said

"It's been 12 years since my last pregnancy! Of course I'm going to act like a wimp! We never got the chance to have any more kids before this one you know." Jared said

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