Part 12

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*2 months later* Now that all the turmoil of the early months was behind them, the only thing Jared and Jensen wanted to do was move forward.

They still had filming to do and as far as waiting for the baby was concerned, they still didn't know the sex.

Only a little had happened for them in these past two months.

Since they planned on not returning to Texas, they both put their houses up for sale.

It was a hard decision to make at first. But, considering what happened there to their children because of the duel divorce, they thought it would be too painful to stay.

After all, they already shared a townhouse in the Vancouver area since they were there nine months out of the year already.

Life for them was (in a way) getting better.

One day, Jared and Jensen were laying in bed in their new home when the alarm clock went off.

Jensen rolled over and turned it off and went back to cuddling with Jared (who was now beginning to show a small baby bump).

"Are we just going to keep laying here?" Jared asked

"Why not? I could do this all day." Jensen said with a smile

"You do realize that we have to be at some party Samantha is throwing for us later, right?" Jared asked

"Right. Can't miss that." Jensen said sleepily

"But I also have a doctor's appointment." Jared said

That's when Jensen's eyes blinked wide open.

"That's today!" He said as he sat up in bed and checked his phone "an hour from now. We better get ready."

Jared just rolled his eyes and laughed as he stood up to go into the master bathroom to take a shower.

"Wait for me, Jay!" Jensen called

Later in the parking lot of the doctor's office, Jared and Jensen were giggling in their car as they were talking about  the appointment and learning that they would be having a boy.

"This is great news!" Jared said

"Amazing news!" Jensen added

They continued to laugh for a while until they left the parking lot to go shopping for their son.

Later that night, Jared and Jensen went to the party not knowing what this party was for (well, they had some idea that it was a baby shower for Jared but then again, it could have been a party to celebrate their anniversary.)

Once they arrived, they were greeted by everyone in the cast (even some who used to be on the show)

Jared and Jensen were surprised to find out that this party was in fact not just for their baby but, their anniversary as well.

"13 years together, Jay. Can you believe it?" Jensen asked

Jared laughed.

"After all that trouble the PR suits went through just to keep us apart, we still managed to stay together." He said

"I love you Jared." Jensen said

"And I love you." Jared replied with a smile

"Hey guys! Come over here and be the guests of honor!" said Misha who was already buzzed on candy hearts and vodka

Jared and Jensen smiled at each other then took each other's hand and joined the party.

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