Part 5

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After the panel, Jared and Jensen left early to go to a drug store then back to the hotel room since Jared wasn't feeling well.

They had to be careful to not get recognized so they wouldn't be found out.

But, when they got to check out, the girl behind the counter almost screamed.

That's when Jared grabbed a magazine to hide the pregnancy test.

Jensen was just as nervous and just awkwardly smiled.

She wasn't too chatty just scanned the items but when she made a grab for the pregnancy test, both Jared and Jensen began to sweat.

"I-it's for a friend!" Jensen blurted

Jared looked at Jensen in shock.

Jensen just gave him a reassuring wink.

"How nice of you!" The girl said as she proceeded to scan the box and put it in the bag with the rest of the items

Later at the hotel, Jensen tried to come up with a good reason to tell Misha why he and Jared left the panel so early.

All he could say was that Jared was sick.

Then, Jared walked out of the bathroom after setting the test.

Jensen hung up his phone and asked "Well?"

"It's positive." Jared said as he sat on the bed next to Jensen

This moment brought them back to the first time this happened.

*flashback-2006* It came as a shock to both of them that Jared was able to become pregnant. And now it was even more shocking since here they were at this hotel, the WB Upfronts were not to start for a few more hours and they were both staring down at two lines on a pregnancy test.

"It's positive." Jared said

"What do we do? We're not ready for this." Jensen said

"We could give it up for adoption." Jared suggested

"I don't know. I don't want to see you emotionally damaged from something  like that." Jensen replied "And what if you know? We become attached to the kid and don't want to give it up?"

"Are you saying we should keep it?" Jared asked "What about our careers? Spilo would have both our necks!"

"He can't do anything about it now." Jensen said

However, a week later, word did get around to Spilo about Jared's pregnancy and it lead to a tongue lashing that reduced him to tears.

Jensen was worried about his boyfriend so when he visited him in his trailer, he found him curled up in a corner crying his eyes out.

"Jay! What happened?! What did Spilo tell you?!" He asked

Jared looked up at Jensen and said "He wants me to get an abortion."

Jensen's eyes narrowed with anger at the thought.

"Why?" He asked, his own eyes filling with tears

"For image. That's all he wants! I can't do it, Jack! I love this kid too much. It's a part of us." Jared sobbed

Jensen took Jared in his arms and said "Don't listen to Spilo. We can talk to the production team and figure out how this whole this whole pregnancy thing is going to fit around the show later."

That was another hurdle they had to cross.

How were they going to write Jared's pregnancy into the show?

Eventually, the team came up with a story involving Sam becoming pregnant after pissing off a witch. But after news broke that Jared had the miscarriage, that story was scrapped.
*end flashback*

"Well, what happens now? I guess the secret about us won't be a secret for much longer." Jared asked

"Not once you start showing, Jay." Jensen said

They laughed.

"Spilo's gonna die when he finds out. Just fucking die!" Jared said

"Jay, I need to tell you something." Jensen said

"Yeah." Jared replied

"I've been thinking about firing Spilo. He's caused you so much grief over the years and you deserve to be happy." Jensen said as he touched Jared's flat stomach then continued "we deserve to be happy."

Jared smiled.

"Thank you."

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