Their friend is...

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Walking through the police station we go outside onto the small patch of grass in the carpark. Looking around I saw a blonde woman talking to their other officers on the grass who are on their smoko break.  Looking at her top I saw a big gigantic S on it. Di immortales its Supergirl. Supergirl is my Aunts friend. Shoot. How am I supposed to go missing/questing if everytime I go missing from the house my Aunts call Supergirl. Wait even worse. What if they find out about my powers. Schist. They'll think I'm some weird alien. I'm not. I'm only not fully human.

"So you are my Aunts friend."

 "Yes. Don't worry. Not many if anyone knows about our friendships outside of your and my own family. by that I mean my cousin Superman knows about our friendship plus everyone in your family that is alive. So you don't have to worry about being kidnapped."

Don't say that. Just cause they're dead doesn't mean Hades doesn't let them spy on us. I still have to worry about being kidnapped anyway. Where-ever I go evil annoying people/ annoying people or monsters are bound to follow. That includes the gods. Looking at you Hera. The fates just love to mess with me. Also, have you even seen my track record!

"So you are a Superhero. That must be cool. Saving the world and all."

Yeah, it's pretty fun but not fun when it's because your stupid family messed it up in the first place then give it to you to fix. Looking at you Drama Queen.

"Yeah, but it's not all it's made out to be. I rescued a snake which was called Fluffy. If you are ever in trouble, which I hope your not, you can just call out and either my cousin Superman or  I'll come to help. Even if you don't think we will."

Nah. Don't think I will. How, would you kill someone who just wants to eat me. Although it would be funny to see how you try to fight a greek monster. Especially if it was a hydra. 

"So, how are we getting back to my new home. National City from here. Please say we aren't driving."

"No, but why may I ask?"

"Oh, I have ADHD and Dyslexia. So a three-four hour drive will make me go nuts."

"Fair enough. We will be flying. By we I mean me and I'll be giving you a piggyback. It will only take 10 minutes tops."

"No, no no no no. No flying, please. Anything but flying."

What just cause I saved the world and stopped the gods from being overruled doesn't mean Zeus likes me at all. Now he just tolerates me. He would/ might blast me out of the sky. If he did a lot of Olympians would wage war on him but no thanks rather not take that risk.

"Okay then. I will just use my super speed. I just didn't want you to puke."


Supergirl then grabbed my arm and next minute we were in an apartment in National City. It was kinda like shadow travelling but a whole lot nicer just don't tell Nico I said that. Glancing around I saw what I think was a picture of my two aunts. One of them was sitting on the couch. The one with red/brown hair. 

"Thanks, Supergirl. I will tell Kara our niece is here now."


With that, she sped off to where ever she came from.

"I am Alex. One of your aunts. Sorry for your loss."


"Kara is my sister. she is the one who is taking you in. This is her crib. first. Wow."

"Wow what."

"You are the first person I know that has not puked after being taken somewhere with super speed."

Well, it's not like it's shadow travel. I shudder.


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