They were your brothers

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Akabane Karma
・Karma would be the type to tease you and prank you every now and then.

・"Nice mustache you have there (y/n)-chan~!"

"Karma you period head!"

・Gets really protective when guys come near you. If so, he would fill wasabi up their ass if they do anything to you.

・If he had red hair and mercury colored eyes, you would have the same eye color but (h/c) hair.

Asano Gakushuu
・Gakushuu would be strict when it comes to homework and he likes beating you in academi- not really. He likes to beat you in everything.

・"Hah! Looks like I beat you in chess again (y/n)"



"Sorry to say that I've finished the whole season of Re:Zero before you."


"By the way, Rem gets rejected."


・That aside, he's a pretty cool brother even if he acts like Mr. Perfect in school. He would cook you your favorite food if Gakuho wasn't home (no maids this time).

・You and Gakushuu would be twins, so same eye and hair color. Only that he was ten centimeters taller than you.

Nagisa Shiota
・Sometimes, they think Nagisa is your younger sister. Which pisses the older male a lot of times.

・"Ara~ I didn't know that you had an older sister Nagisa."

"Nagisa has an older sister?"


"Oh Karma, what's up? Have you been taking care of my younger sister?~"

"Sometimes...I feel like you and Karma were supposed to be siblings."

・When your mom isn't home, Nagisa would help you cook dinner. And at times, you'd help him fix his hair.

・Nagisa has blue hair because of your mom so you would have the same eye and hair color as your dad.

Isogai Yuma
・Isogai would be an amazing brother. He would work part time jobs in order to sustain your family and he would not allow you to work since he wants you to focus on your studies.

・"Yuma-nii, are you sure you don't want me to help you?"

"It's alright (y/n). Besides, I want you to do well in your studies. Okay?"

(Fangirls screaming in the distance)


・One time, you visited the cafe he worked at and then your friends thought he was your boyfriend.

・Isogai is generally smart so when you were having problems with studies, he would tutor you

Maehara Hirito
Plain and simple= perverted onii-chan.

・"Oppai? Daisuki?"


(n/n) what are you doing?"

"GAHH! HENTAI! Mom, onii-chan reads hentai!!"


・That aside, he won't let any boy come near you unless he trusts the person.

・One time, you found the adult magazines Okajima gave him and you burned it in front of his face.

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