C H A P T E R 1

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AK-821 scurried through the tight alley ways, zigzagging in and out the streets. Her legs felt weak from the lack of exercise. Her filthy medical gown was still tied tightly around her
malnourished body.

She could hear the shouting of her torturers closing in behind her.


The street opened up and there was nowhere to hide. In front of her was the elite school of U.A. Barricading the campus was thick high-security walls with a high gate. AK-821 rushed to the entrance gate and banged as loud and hard as she could.


"There you are!" The all-too-familiar voices of agents from the Sector of Hell. "There's nowhere left for you to run! How about you come quietly and we might just might be gentle with you." She watched helplessly as their horrid claws reached for her.

Suddenly, a blade of wind blasted the agents backwards, crashing them down several yards away. Dazed, they searched for the cause. In front of AK-821 stood a tall, lanky man with black, shoulder-length hair and bangs, wearing all black except for a multiple-layered gray scarf around his neck and a pair of strange yellow goggles, covering his eyes. He held the ends of the scarf with a fierce grip.

"Now, now." a sarcastic monotone voice chuckled. "What could this little girl possibly done to deserve this?"

"Who do you think you are?" The agents whipped out their quirks: one with levitation and another with the power to shoot bullets from his fingers. "You have a lot of nerve butting your nose into none of your business."

The mysterious man smirked. "Really? I thought I was just doing my part-time job."

The agents attacked.

AK-821 ducked her head and covered her face. She heard a few embarrassing screams and the disturbing sounds of bones cracking. She lifted her head to find both agents flat on their backs.

"I-I know you..." one of them stuttered. "Y-you're that underground pro-hero...Shota Aizawa...known as Eraserhead."

"Guilty as charge." Aizawa spat. "Now get lost."

Once the cowarding agents were out of sight, he turned slowly to the tramatized child balled up on the ground against the steel wall. He had to guess she was the age of 10. Her unnatural long white hair was very unkept and she wore a very worn-out medical gown. There were weak bandages all around her joints and biceps. She was also barefoot.

Aizawa knew he was going to have to take this slowly. Kneeling down in front of the frightened child, he didn't dare to touch her yet. "Hey, you're safe now. The bad guys are gone. They won't harm you anymore." The girl slowly, but gradually, raised her head to meet his eyes.

Aizawa couldn't stop himself from reacting to the horror her face showed. The left eye was an electric blue while the right was a deep royal purple. Across the purple one, a deep jagged white scar started at her widow's peak all the way down to the corner of her chapped lips. On the left side, there were injection markings dotting her swollen cheek.

What have they done to this child...

He reached out to her slightly and she flinched almost immediately.

Just as I thought...she's tramatized. I have to get her to Recovery Girl as soon as possible, but first, I need to gain her trust.

"My name is Shota Aizawa." He continued to hold his hand out to the child. "I'm a hero and a teacher at this school. I can help you. I promise nothing bad will happen. You can trust me...What's your name?"

The girl tucked the ends of the medical gown between her thighs nervously. "A-a.K...AK8...821." Her voice squeaked as if it was painful to answer. That "name" she called herself...Aizawa was getting a pretty idea what this girl's was.

"Hmm..." Aizawa thought carefully of what to say next. "I don't that name fits you at all. AK, huh? Can I call you Asuna Komiko?"

Wow, you've never seen eyes shine so brightly with tears.

Aizawa shook his head to hide his chuckle. It was the first full name to come to mind. He just made it up on the spot.

"Well, Ms. Komiko, may I assist you and take you to a place you'll be safe from harm? I can take you somewhere where you will be treated like a princess. Would you like that?" He reached his arm to where his fingertips could touch her knees. Slowly, Asuna's tiny hand grasped Aizawa's hand. Aizawa smiled and lifted the little girl in his arms.

The first thing he did was take her to Recovery Girl, where it took some convincing from Aizawa to get Asuna to even get her to sit still. Recovery Girl's quirk worked magic, and the swelling in her face died completely. As did all the other markings and wounds on her body. The white scar across the right side of her face still remained, but it wasn't as deep as before.

The next thing he did was call Midnight, a fellow pro-hero. Like with Recovery Girl, Aizawa had to convince Asuna to trust her. "She will make you that princess I was talking about earlier. She will clean you up and dress you in pretty clothes, right Midnight?" He shot a glance at her to warn her not to do anything unnecessary. But in reality, he knew Midnight would take good care of her.

While Asuna was in her care, Aizawa paid a visit with the one and only All Might.

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