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One who is a student at the U.A. can agree that every day is a treat and an opportunity. Beside the General Education, school was like an adventure. There were a lot of strong-willed and potential in most of the students in my class. Todoroki seemed to have taken the top spot in the class, and I can't deny that; his quirk(s) were amazing and his quick reflexes and natural ability to analyze the situation gave him a huge advantage in everything. I'll admit I was a bit jealous that he could show off his two quirks.

After a month of combat training, Mr. Aizawa decided to take Class 1-A to the USJ, or the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, for rescue training. We even got to wear our custom-made hero costumes! Mine was a silvery white body suit with aerial support flaps on the forearms and calves, and I wore a eyemask and had my long hair pulled up in a high ponytail. Unfortunately for me, I didn't get to wear mine due to a recent drill practice, so I was stuck wearing my warm-up suit, including a jacket. Deku had to his, too.

I was estatic for this class, considering I wanted to save people like Mr. Aizawa saved me. Bakugo on the other hand...he rather kicked villians' asses.

Todoroki, whose costume consist of his entire left side was covered with ice, joined by my side and sighed. "He'll never learn. If I was to be honest with myself, I'd say he'd make a great villian himself." I bit back a laugh as we both eyed Bakugo, whose costume spoke for itself, crossing his arms with a pout.

When we entered the USJ, the legendary pro-hero Thirteen was there waiting for us. Because her quirk, she wore a really bulky suit that made her look like an astronaut.

"Welcome!" she greeted us cheerfully. "I will assisting Eraserhead and All Might today with your rescue training!"

That's right, All Might was suppose to join us today, too.

Yet, he was nowhere to be found. Every once in awhile he would show up on time to assist Mr. Aizawa, but lately he has been absent more often than usual. When I asked Mr. Aizawa back at home, he told me that All Might was busy with actual Hero work, which made sense I guess, but there was a hint of hesitation in Mr. Aizawa's voice. I didn't want to push it, but I figured it was more on the personal side.

Speaking of Mr. Aizawa and home, it was weird having your teacher as your guardian. I would sometimes catch him comparing our training scores and grade us based on our results from previous scores. Other times I felt like he was watching me from the other side of my bedroom door when I did my homework. But I've accepted this new side of my guardian; in fact, I loved it.

Our eyes met as Thirteen was talking, and I caught him grinning at me, which I returned.

And that's where everything went wrong.


First, the USJ shook like an earthquake. Then, at the bottom in the middle of the arena, a dark, shadowy portal opened and close to a hundred villian-looking thugs flooded throughout the main floor.

Aizawa squeezed the ends of his gray scarf. His gaze unconsciously locked on Asuna, but shook his head and focused on who was obviously the leader of this intrusion.

He appeared a messed-up character, with a number of bodiless hands locked on all over his   black-suited body, including one clutching his entire face. His own hands were continuously scratching his neck.

"Thirteen," He slipped his yellow goggles on. "Protect the students and get them to safety. Signal the pro-heros. I'll hold them off until you get back." He then zoomed into action with his hair raised and scarf ready.

"Right," Thirteen waved the students towards the exit. "Alright, children, to the exits!"

"Wait! We can't leave Mr. Aizawa to defend by himself! He'll need our help!" Asuna shouted and, unconsciously, began to run to her secret guardian's aid, but was stopped by Thirteen. Thirteen remembered this girl from five years ago and she saw the bond between Eraserhead and her was very strong. "He will be fine. He is more capable than you think, despite bein at a disadvantage. Right now, we all need to get to safety and somehow signal the pro-heros. Somehow they are blocking all radios." She pointed to the closest student next to her: Todoroki. "Take her and make sure she doesn't run off." Todoroki's eyes slightly widened, bu obeyed the teacher and locked one arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry about him. He can handle a few thugs. They are no match for a pro-hero."

Just as they all were about to reach the exit, a tall, slender figure engulfed with the same shadowy aura as the portal suddenly stood in their way. "I don't think so. The fun is just getting started." Then, he held out his whirry arms. "Give us All Might and AK-821 and we will leave peacefully!"

The Girl With Many Quirks: Lucky StarWhere stories live. Discover now