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I've never heard of the name Shigaraki, yet this villain acts like he's known me his whole miserable life. He reminded me of a child doing what he was told and returned he will get a present. The moment he mentioned him I knew the whole story.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I said, holding my fists out. Shigaraki let out a obnoxious groan. "Why are you being difficult all of the sudden? We've should've been gone already with All Might dead."

All Might...dead? So that was their plan?

My eyes averted over to All Might where I could see him stuggling with the creature. By the looks of it, it seemed like the creature's quirk was some kind of energy absorption, for every punch All Might laid on it, it had no effect whatsoever.

My body was telling me to go help him in his fight, but I couldn't take my eyes off of Shigaraki.

Suddenly, the portal man appeared at his leader's side. "Unfortunately, most of the students have escaped and it is certain that pro-heros are on their way."

"Damn it..." Shigaraki's scratching increased. "Now we're going to have to retreat."

A booming shout interrupted with an echo across the arena. I whipped my head around to see All Might in a inescapable hold. The creature had its claws digging into his ribs. It opened its disgusting mouth and aimed for All Might's throat.

"ALL MIGHT!!!" I screamed and, using Air Manipulation, propelled myself forward at incredible speed, summoning my fourth quirk. I thrusted my left arm out, and it transformed into a single long steel blade from my elbow, the sharp tip ending at my ankle. "Take...THIS!" I swung my arm/blade in an uppercut across its exposed chest, slicing it deep.

The creature screeched and released All Might, who fell to all fours. Blood was dripping from the wound and smoke was seeping from parts of his body. I got between him and the creature.

"Alright, you disgusting thing," I ripped my jacket off and pointed my tip to its heart. "It's my turn."


Bakugo and I reached the edge of the main battlefield just as, if you can believe it, Karma Akabane showed up out of nowhere.

"Hey, there, you freshies." He had a huge grin on his face. "I'm here to rescue you, although most of your classmates I found had already defeated most of these low-lifes by themselves. You guys are either stronger than you look or these thugs are plain pathetic."

"Are you done?!" Bakugo snapped.

"There she is." I ignored both of them. "She's fighting that massive beast!" Bakugo and Akabane stopped and watched Komiko quarrel with the creature.

"Wow," the upperclassmen whistled. "She's got a lot of bravery in that tiny cute body of—hey, wait a second. I thought her quirk was Air Control or something. How the hell does she have a sword as an arm?"

Brace yourself.

My eyes narrowed at the thought. This is the third quirk she has shown, which is absolutely insane for anyone normal to comprehend.

"There are thugs closing in on her. She'll be completely swarm." Bakugo jumped up and rolled his shoulder back. "Then, I'm going make sure they don't !" I was about to follow him with my right hand ready to shoot a ice blast, when both our collars were pulled down.

"I don't think so." Akabane smirked, releasing us. "My job right now is to get students to safety, by orders from All Might himself, but I can see you wouldn't come quietly. Just watch and learn." With that, Karma Akabane rose to his feet and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Then, with the speed of light, he zipped throughout the mob of thugs, taking them all of them out with one punch.

I glanced to my right to find Bakugo gone. He was racing towards the leader and the shadowy man with the portal quirk. My teeth gritted at his arrogance, but I looked at Komiko and watched her hold her own against the beast. That's when she pulled a fourth quirk.

Thick ice covered the blade with jagged edges on the side. Then, she shot a icy blast at the creature, freezing its arm. Komiko charged with her blade, but the creature reacted way too quickly and grasped the sword and then her neck. It began to squeeze.

My feet moved on its own. Sending a column of ice into its chest, I was able to slide underneath and catch her in my arms when the creature dropped her.

"Todoroki?..." Komiko looked straight in my eyes with her multi-colored ones. "What are you doing here? You should be out of the USJ."

"So should you." I fired back and gently placed her down. "If you are the one they're after, then you should've been the first one out the door."

"There's more to this than you could ever imagine..." There was a cold feeling in her voice.

"Try me."

Her eyes shone, then, biting her bottom lip, she grabbed the hem of my jacket. "Please, help me."

"With pleasure." I said. "And in return, I want a full explanation."


The Girl With Many Quirks: Lucky StarWhere stories live. Discover now