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The second challenge was based off the results of the first one. It was basically a game of Knights&Horses, called the Human Calvary Battle, where four people are in a group and one person is carried and supported by the other three. The object is to knock the other "knights" from their "horses".

In this competition, not only do you want to knock people over to disqualify them, but everyone was wearing a bandana with a number of points on it, depending on what place you came in the race. The closer to first you are, the higher your points are worth.

I was worth 190 points, which was high by all means, but it was nothing compare to poor Deku, who was worth a whopping 10 million points. I could see the pressure crushing him from inside.

When the fifteen minutes to choose our teams, many people ran up to me and begged me to join them. "Hold on, one at a time!" I waved around off to get some space.

"Hey, Air-Head!" I heard Bakugo's shouting over everyone elses. "You're with me!" Was he demanding me?

"Who are you calling 'Air-Head', you Boom-Mike!?" I yelled back. "And what makes you think I'll join your team?"

"A good point, Asuna." Shouto commented behind me. He gave me a slight smile that almost seemed fake. "So, what do you say? Shall we pair up? I've already got Iida and Momo on board."

"Back off, man! I saw her first!" Bakugo fired back. "Besides, she be way better off with me because I have Tom-Head and Alien Chick."

"She doesn't deserve to be on such a hot-mess group." Shouto lowered his chin with a hint of disgust.

"Harsh, man..." Kirishima mumbled, who was apparently Tom-Head on Bakugo's team.

"Alright, I fight you for her, and—"

"Hold on, you two." I butted in. "I am not a prize to be won! I can get my own team, thank you very much." I turned my head and grinned at the first person I laid eyes on. "If you want to be on my team, I'll be over there with Deku."

"DEKU?!?!" Bakugo growled loudly. "Are you freakin' kidding me?!"

"Asuna, you are taking a risk." Shouto shook his head.

"Isn't that what this whole festival is about?" I smiled and walked over to the poor unfortunate soul standing by himself. "Hey, Deku, you don't mind if I be on your team, do you?" I thought for a moment that his eyes were going to dry out from the excessive amount of joyful tears flowing out of his face. Uraraka joined my side and asked for permission as well, which made Deku even happier. Now we just needed one more person. Deku knew just the guy and recruited Fukogami, and his Shadow quirk.

With all our points combined, our team had 10 million and 300 points. Shouto had the second highest, which was 615. Bakugo only had 266.

At the sound of the buzzer, the Human Cavalry Battle began. Immediately, all the teams aimed for us. We were prepared for this and decided to stick with our plan.

We dodge.

For what seemed like an hour, we continued to avoid all the teams we could, but everyone was persistent. Shouto used Iida, whose quirk was Engine, for speed. Bakugo had a more agressive attempt, leaping off his team and attacking from above, then landing back down.

My only job was to protect our back side, putting up a wall of air. I couldn't hold forever, however, because of the constant attacks ramming into it. More and more teams surrounded us. Deku's and my eyes met and I got the message.

"Everybody hang on to Deku!" I shouted, and summoned a path of air, making us seem we were running in mid-air. With four people, the weight was painful, so I landed us near an open area in the restricted arena, just so we could recooperate. Fukogami's Dark Shadow helped a lot with protecting the front, but we were still pushed back.

Suddenly, teams began to get disqualified. One by one, a team used their quirks to steal other bandanas, not even paying attention to Deku's 10 million points. Before we all knew it, there were only 7 teams left.

Shouto eyed me with a scary determined face. "It ends here." he held his right hand out and sent a sheet of ice across half of the entire arena. Unfortunately, my team was hit. My feet were frozen to the ground. We were completely immobilized. The Dark Shadow gradually began to shrink, becoming less reliable. This was not good.

"Komiko." Deku looked straight at me. "Can you get us out of here?" I began to think of a plan. My eye catches Uraraka and an idea popped to my head. "Alright, but it's going to be tricky." Deku smiled and gave me a thumbs-up. "Let's do it."

"Give up, Deku!" Bakugo growled as he and Shouto and the rest of the teams closed in.

"Now!" Deku shouted. Fukogami commanded Dark Shadow to break the ice at our feet with very quick speed. The moment we were free, I pushed up in the sky, where Uraraka levitated us. Then, I thrust a waveshock of air straight down on our opponents, knocking them off balance. Uraraka gently landed us on solid ground and made a move forward, charging while they were still recovering.

Suddenly, a blur of red and white raced by and snatched the 10 million point headband right off Deku's head with one swift motion.



Shouto clung onto the bandana in his left fist with a victorious smirk. "You should've chose my team, Asuna."

It was over. We were literally pointless.

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