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Asuna stood next to Todoroki, hand in hand, as the graduating ceremony commenced. Every once in awhile, he would squeeze their fingers closer together and send a shy smile her way. She would return it.

Izuku Midoriya, the top of their class, walked up to the podium to give his speech. He spoke about what they all went through to get to this stage of their lives. He admitted that his favorite and most memorable year at the U.A Academy was his first year, as well as everyone else's most likely. What made it most memorable? Of course, there were the villain attacks and all the other dangerous events, but Midoriya said that what their first-year the best, was the thrill of adventure.

Asuna couldn't agree more.

For three years, no threat ever came to her.

She had visited Nikolai once last year, and realized what a complete wreck he was. The entire time he wept like a two year-old. He apologized over and over. It was as if he had awoke from a mad spell. She forgave him...out of pity...

Todoroki had supported her all the way.

She still wasn't using all five of her quirks to the best of her ability, but it was for the best. She had brought out her inner-wolf and tamed what she could. Air Manipulation has been her chosen quirk for pro...but she had companied Recovery Girl with her healing quirk. Up to the end of second-year, she realized if she kissed a specific part of the body, it would heal. The lips are what she uses to heal the entire body.


Todoroki's finger glossed over her silver ring.

Once upon three months ago, Asuna Komiko became Asuna Todoroki.

It took a year to convince Aizawa, even he secretly approved it months before. There was a huge discussion whether they should wait until after graduation, but the moment Todoroki proposed at the exact spot where they first bumped into each other for the first time, Asuna immediately said yes and they were married five months later. They invited basically everyone they knew and held the ceremony right outside in the nearby park. Asuna remembered Aizawa hiding his joyful tears when they were having their father-daughter dance...how Todoroki dipped her at the end of their first dance as a married couple...she even danced with Bakugo.

Midoriya finished his speech and Bakugo, who sat next to her, tsked his tongue. "About time he finished." He huffed, but clapped anyway for his fellow classmate. Asuna smiled and nudged his elbow. Uraraka sat on his other side, holding his fingers. It's been a full year now that the two of them have been together.

Now, the moment came. The Principal stood at the podium with the happiest expression. Spreading out his tiny arms, he asked every graduating student to rise.

Asuna grasped both Bakugo's and Todoroki's hand, squeezing tighter and tighter as the anxiety increased.

"Congratuations!" he squealed excitedly, and Asuna's class threw up their caps with a bountiful howl!

Todoroki wrapped his arms around Asuna's waist and spun her around, giving her a big kiss on the nose and lips. After recieving a big smooch on the jaw from Asuna, Bakugo got topple over with Uraraka pecking him on his cheek 20 times. Even Todoroki fist-bumped him. Midoriya got a playfull knuckle-rub from both Bakugo and Kirishima, while the two of them high-fived violently.

Asuna stared into Todoroki's eyes and kissed him one more time as her spouse reached and rubbed her stomach.

Aizawa showed up next to her and embraced her from behind, surprising her. Giving her hair a ruffle, he smacked a big kiss from her forehead. "I'm proud of both of you." He ruffled Todoroki's hair as well. "Welcome to the family, officially." He brought both of them in his arms before letting go and moving on to congratulate the rest of his former class.

"You want to get out of here?" Todoroki suggested close to her ear, but Kirishima jumped forward. "I heard that! Hey, guys! We're ditching this place and celebrating elsewhere!" And so, Asuna, Todoroki, Kirishima, Uraraka, Bakugo, and Midoriya left the grounds and escaped through the park. They ended up stopping at the river, where the boys flipped off their shoes and rolled up their pants, splashing in the cold water.

Uraraka babbled on about how she suspected Bakugo was going to proposed to her any day now. Asuna only laughed and admired Todoroki from the distance.

Yeah, this was good...

She couldn't wait to begin her new life with Todoroki. To begin her new career as a nurse. To help save people as a true pro-hero.

As Lucky Star.

The Girl With Many Quirks: Lucky StarWhere stories live. Discover now