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All Might led Bakugo to the box, where Present Mike was doing the commendation for the break before the second round of matches. When he saw the Symbol of Peace's serious face, and saw Bakugo behind his muscular build, he immediately stopped and turned his attention to them.

"I need you to put Bakugo in Komiko's place." All Might said, and Bakugo's eyes widen, but didn't reject him. Present Mike asked why. "Because they came back and got her. She's missing in action and we don't need the press in this period." He did not argue with the pro-hero.

After that, All Might led Bakugo down the hall. "All Might, I don't think I should participate in the touranment." Bakugo said, causing All Might to stop. "I didn't win the battle so I shouldn't fight for the top spot...I'm not strong eno—"

"I'm not asking you to win it." All Might said; he had no smile on his face as he bent down to one knee in front of his student. "You're going to participate in the tournament because we need time to find Komiko, and we can't have people knowing about this. We are going to tell everyone that she had a family emergency and couldn't finish the tournament, and you are not going to tell anyone the truth. Understand?" Bakugo nodded, unable to talk back to All Might.

"I want to—"

"I know you are worried about Komiko. So am I. But in times like these, a hero must not let his feelings blind him from what needs to be done. Right now, your job is to keep quiet and act as if nothing is wrong. I know you can put on a show, so make it the best."

"My feelings..." Bakugo gritted his teeth. He didn't have feelings for Komiko. Ever since he overheard Komiko tell Todoroki about her past, he hasn't stopped thinking about her. But that doesn't mean he has feelings... "Fine." he growled, unsatisfied with the plan. "I'll do what you say, All Might. And...I'll do my best." All Might smiled and ruffled Bakugo's spiky hair.

"I'm counting on you, Young Bakugo." As he turned to leave, Bakugo stopped him one more time. "All Might!" The hero turned and saw the young hero-in-training's chin down and his fists clenched.

"Will you tell me if anything goes wrong?"

All Might stared at him and then sighed. "Yes, I will inform you any news of Komiko if I hear any. For now, though, focus on the match awaiting you."

"Yes, All Might..."


I couldn't see anything with the blindfold on, but I had a pretty good idea on where I was heading. My head throbbed from the wound. They had came out of nowhere. When they pounced, they secured me with some sort of serum from a needle that restricted me from using my quirks, so I couldn't fight back.

Shouto...he was following me...that had to be why he arrived so quickly when she screamed for help. When my captors attacked him, beating him, I wanted more than anything to crush their brains out. The last thing I saw was Shouto lying in a pool of blood...

The vehicle stopped and I dragged out by my tied arms. After I was thrown down onto my knees, the blindfold was ripped off and I was greeted by the one-and-only Dr. Nikolai.

My father.

He was a very tall, lanky man with short salt-and-pepper hair with bangs that were folded back by his lab goggles. He wore black pants and a green polo shirt under that lab coat that I know all too well. The stain from where I spilled fruit punch on it because of a fit I threw was still there.

"Hello, daughter." He knelt in front of me and closed in to my face. He reeked as if he hasn't showered and brushed his teeth in weeks. "How have you been for the past five years? I've missed you."

"Did you miss your daughter or did you miss your science project?" I spat. "To answer your question, I've never been happier in the best five years of my life."

"Is that so?" He grinned a yellow smile. "Well, first things first, I want to run just a quick physical and then, I want to catch up over some dinner. Sound good?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"No." He laughed at himself, slapping his forehead with his palm. "It'll be fun. Just some daddy-daughter time."

"I'm not your daughter, you bastard." I lowered my chin. "You gave up your title as 'Father' the moment you sold me into your experiment." Nikolai lifted my chin with a finger and glared directly into my eyes; they were full of madness and insanity. "You're right, but you are still mine, AK-821."

Tears threatened in my eyes, but I bit my tongue to hold them back. "You monster..."

Nikolai stood up and waved me off, and with that, the two men picked me up and took me to my old room...

The Girl With Many Quirks: Lucky StarUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum