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Bakugo nailed the shadow man right in his center. Both he and Shigaraki flinched at the surprisingly strong U.A student.

"This kid's got power, Kuroguri." The leader sighed. "Take care of him."

"He somehow knew my weak spot, but he won't get another hit." Kurogiri summoned a portal right in front of him just as Bakugo charged at him again. Bakugo fell through and reappeared right into Kurogiri's fists. Bakugo stumbled into another portal, where Kurogiri was waiting on the other side. Back and forth Bakugo went, getting beaten every second; he couldn't even react.


Midoriya ran to his friend's aid, summoning One for All in his fist. "Leave him alone!" He screamed as he flicked a blast from his fingers. Kurogiri and Shigaraki both were hit and sent flying backwards. Bakugo regained his footing and shot a dirty look at Midoriya.

"Stay out of this, Deku!" He spat. "You're only going to get in my way!"

Kurogiri took this as a chance to end two birds with one stone and thrust himself forward towards the two students.

"Deku, you dumbass, get down!" Bakugo leaped in front of Midoriya and Kurogiri used his fist to drive it right into his gut, sending him and Midoriya flying. They crashed on top of each other right in the middle of Asuna's and Todoroki's fight with the creaure.

"Deku?" Asuna gasped. "And Bakugo!" Both were unconscious. She sent a protective barrier of air over the two of them as she and Todoroki continued to fight.


The monster would not go down. Every attack we threw at it, it would just absorb it and counter-attack.

"Komiko! They cannot stay there!" Todoroki shouted to me. He was referring to Deku and Bakugo. "I know!" I shouted back. "I'm multi-tasking!" I focused on my blade-wielding while at the same time moving my fellow students with air behind us close to All Might.

"We are getting nowhere!" I complained, my sword transformed back into my arm, which was now sleeveless. Todoroki landed next to me after he sent another column of ice to its legs. "No matter what attacks we try, it just keeps adapting and absorbing. We got to think of a plan and fast. This is getting us nowhere but exhausting us." Our eyes met briefly.

Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. "Todoroki, I've got something, but it's risky and will drain both of us."

"Shoot." he said without hesitation.

"Hit it with everything you got. I'm talking ice and fire together."

"I don't prefer to use my left side for combat..." He admitted at the last minute.

You got to be kidding me...

"Fine, then freeze the shit out of it." I corrected myself. "I'm going to put everything I have in me."

"You mean—"

"Oh yeah, just make sure you stay on your side and I'll sure to stay on mine." I summoned my wolf-hybrid form and transfigured my arm into a sword again. Then, I released a sheet of ice from my feet to the creature, freezing its legs in place. The air around me swirled around my hair and body.

All four of my quirks...the fifth one won't do me any good here...Focus, Asuna...focus all your power in front of you...attack with everything you got!

The energy inside and outside of me began to increase; I could feel it tearing me apart. My eyes squeezed close from the pain. The images of Todoroki, Bakugo, Deku, and the rest of friends and classmates flashed in my mind. Then, Mr. Aizawa showed himself. I remember seeing his battered body before All Might rescued him...how long has it been since he's been injured?


Anger and pain boiled up inside me and I forced it all into my weapon, along with the tornado surrounding me and the chunks of ice emerged around the blade. I forced my eyes open to find a sphere of stored energy at the tip of the sword, ready for ignition. I could see Todoroki close to me, and I used what's left of my conscious to send him back with a wall of air. Then, summoning up all my strength, I raised my both my arms above and screamed. I brought the blade down, firing the sphere at lightning speed.

It soared right through the creature's heart, exploding its chest. The blast also demolished everything in its direct path, breaking a massive hole in the wall. When the creature collasped...I knew it was dead...

My vision and knees grew weak and I felt myself falling. But someone caught me in their arms...

When I forced my eyes to open, I saw Todoroki staring down on me with a very concerned look. "Komiko, can you hear me? Hey!" I couldn't keep my eyes open, but when I closed them, I could still head his worried voice. "Komiko, stay with me!" My shoulders were rocked back and forth.

"Komiko!" A new voice appeared. It was Deku. "Is she..."

"I can hear you, guys..." I breathed with a forced smile. "I can't open my eyes...I'm so tired..." I heard Todoroki sigh with relief and Deku laugh slightly. I tried to raise myself up. "Where's Mr. Aizawa..."

"You should worry about yourself first. Everything is okay now. The pro-heros just arrived." Todoroki assured me, gripping my bicep. My head fell onto his shoulder. "No...I have to see him...please...Shouto..."

There was a moment of silence before I heard a response.

"Ok...hang on."

I felt his arm slip under my legs and his grip on my arm tightened. Then, I was gently lifted up; my temple continued to rest on his warm shoulder. I could tell he was hiding a limp.

About halfway, I opened my eyes again with a little more ease. I was welcomed by his multi-colored eyes. He greeted me with a relieved smile. "We're almost there." I thanked him softly.

Close by, I noticed Akabane carrying Bakugo on his back. He shot a grin and gestured to him with his head. "I told this idiot to stay low. But I'll admit he was pretty badass." I nodded in agreement.

He's a brave idiot...

Todoroki stopped and knelt down. I turned my head over to see Mr. Aizawa being lifted in a gernie by some pro-heroes.

"Wait..." I called weakly. "Wait! I can heal him!" I crawled out of Todoroki's arms and pushed myself to my feet. He grabbed my arms to support me and lead me to Mr. Aizawa's side.

Tears began to well up inside me as I stroke a strand of bloody hair from his battered face. "Mr. Aizawa..." I breathed. There was no response. "Aizawa...don't leave me..." I cupped his broken jaw with both hands. "Come back to me..."

Then, taking a deep breath and apologizing to him mentally, I leaned over him and kissed him on his splitted lips.

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