C H A P T E R 17

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"Hey, Aizawa, I got dinner ready!" I called, but didn't receive a reply. I huffed when I found him in his sleeping bag in the living room. Like usual, I poked him in the forehead and spoke in a soothing voice.

"Come on, I made your favorite."


"Yep, if you want some, you have to get off your lazy ass and get it."


As we ate, I brought up Shouto. "I told him my past." Aizawa nodded, though he didn't seem okay with the fact I told someone about me. "I know I shouldn't have, but he deserved to know; he helped me defeat that thing in the USJ. And besides, I—" I caught myself before I let anything slip.

Aizawa's brow raised when I hesitated, but didn't question me. Instead, he changed the subject.

"So you decided to call me 'Aizawa'?"

My cheeks heated up and I averted my eyes with his amusing gaze. "Is that okay?" He patted my head and then ruffled my hair playfully. "Of course. I've been wanting you to drop the whole 'Mister' thing since you started it."

"Well, a toast to the end of 'Mr. Aizawa' and hello to just 'Aizawa'."

"I can toast to that." He laughed and we clinked our glasses.


"I know it's been a rough week for all of you, but we have to get to business."

Everyone was in suspense on what was coming. Could it be a pop quiz? Was there another surprise drill session?

"The U.A Summer Festival is coming."

The whole classroom exploded with cheers! Aizawa used his Cancelling Quirk to settle them down. "Listen up, you have one week until the event, and as most of you know, it is a tournament to show off your skills with your quirk. It's a time to show everyone in the community, including scouts from top agencies that may one day want to recruit you after you graduate, so you all need to train hard and put on your best game faces!"

Asuna's lips tightened at the thought of the festival. Now that her whole class knew about her quirks, which one was she going to use for the tournament? She was registered with Air Manipulation, so it would have to do. But then again, there was Karma Akabane and Kazuya Miyuki who knew her secret outside of Class 1-A. Hopefully, they've kept it secret themselves. Asuna hadn't seen them since the attack.

After school, Todoroki and Asuna walked to the front gate together. Before they left the campus, Akabane himself called out to them.

"Hey! Asuna!"

"Hey, Akabane."

"Did you just call her by her first name?"

"What are you planning on competing in the summer fest?" Akabane ignored him, and turned to Asuna. "You are going to use all your quirks, right?"

"Um..." Asuna glanced at Todoroki.

"Obviously, no." Todoroki stepped in. "We don't need the whole world knowing who she is. If you were smart, you would keep shut about it; how many people have you told?"

"Just Hiruma, but don't worry, he hates secrets and has probably forgotten all about you. What you did at the USJ was pretty badass, Asuna, I have to admit. Don't worry, besides Hiruma, I'll keep your secret." Akabane winked at her.

"Thank you, Akabane." Asuna nodded.

"Call me Karma." He widened his grin as he waved himself off. "I'll see you guys around!"

Once he was gone, both Asuna and Todoroki stifled a laugh. "He's quite a character." Todoroki commented. Asuna shrugged with a tilt of her head. "I like him."


"Like you said," Asuna nudged his shoulder. "He's got character. Shall we go?"

"Are you excited for the summer festival?" Todoroki asked as they continued their walk. "I assume you're going to stick with Air Manipulation?" Asuna nodded. "And I assume you're not going to use your left side?"

"I don't need to. I'll win the whole tournament without it."

Asuna hesitated before she replied. "Well, I like your confidence." She didn't ask anything else and Todoroki bit his lip, trying to come up with a way to change the subject. "Asuna, I—"

"I go this way." Asuna pointed, and Todoroki nodded, disappointed.

"I'll see you tomorrow. I can wait for the summer festival."

"Yeah, me neither. See ya." Todoroki watched her walk away until she was out of sight until he started his way home.

The Girl With Many Quirks: Lucky StarWhere stories live. Discover now