chapter nine [birthday.]

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[ not even close to being edited lol sorry ]

Chapter nine; birthday.


Cole winked at me and spoke, "I met Marni a few months ago, and yes, it's been a few months babe," he smirked at me and I was shocked. Already? So like, three months? "Anyway, when I walked in the house to see a set of twins, which, by the way, the girl is smokin'. But I was mean to her for the longest time because of something that happened six months ago. I regret everything I said and did to Marni, because now that I look at her, I see the girl I'm proud to say this to," he looked at me and gave me a breathtaking smile. "Marni Cassen Price, I'm in love with you." A chorus of 'awww's' and 'how sweet' rang through the crowd, and once again, I was crying.

"There's more to say about Marni though. She's mean, sarcastic, a pain in the Bieber, and she will rip off your private parts if you try to wake her up in the morning. But that makes her who she is, because Marni wouldn't be Marni if she didn't hate everything that breathed. She's special. I'm just glad that I snagged her before anyone else did," a few choruses of laughter rang through the crowd again. "Happy birthday baby, you mean so much to me," he got off the stage and kissed me. I made him sit down in the chair and I say on his lap.

"Alright, so. I've known Marni since birth. Literally, I was at her birth. Sure, I was only six months old, but I was there dang flabbit. We have been friends since we could walk and to be honest, she scares me," I laughed. "But hey, if Mar doesn't scare you, you're doing something wrong.

"But Marni simply has this aura that makes you want to be around her. Not in the mornings, though. Never in the mornings.

"I remember one year, Marni was turning thirteen and Dustin had tried to wake her up. That didn't end very well. Dustin was on the couch for a week because she broke his ankle.

"Ahh, my long speech has come to a close. I love you, Marni. Now mater what you do, where you go, or if you end up like Leah, I'll always have your back. Happy birthday," Dan got off the stage and he hugged me, high fiving Cole.

Leah was up next. "Hey Dan, that wasn't nice. And I wouldn't be this was if someone had used a condom. Now we have a baby and we have to buy Marni a years worth of hot fries, doucheface," a chuckle vibrated from Cole and I giggled.

"Okay, things to say about Marni.. Hmm.. Well, she's mean, way too sarcastic, she always smells really good, and her love of hot fries is worse than I've ever seen. That girl can scarf down four bags in one day, and that's just when her moods happy," I snorted and she giggled at me.

"I'm gonna try and keep this short because Lee, Ian, and Marie promised to kill me if I took to long. So Marni, you're my bestfriend, my maid of honor, and the godmother to my baby. There's nothing better in this world than a friend like you. You mean so much to me you little poop. So happy birthday and I wish the best for you and Cole," I hugged her tightly and smiled.

Leelah, Ian, and Marie spoke and then the Matthews'.

After everyone had their turn I went up on stage, my face streaked with tears.

"I hate you all so much for making me cry," I whined, and everyone laughed. "But I love you guys so much. You've all been there for me and I couldn't have had a better eighteenth birthday than this one. You all make me feel so special and I can't ever thank you enough." I wiped my face. "And Cole? I love you too," I grinned and he ran on the stage, picking me up and spinning me.

"Once again, thank you so much and I'm glad I have you guys. You all are my family, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I promise to always be there for you, like you are for me. Thank you for the way birthday a girl could ever wish for," I smiled through my tears.

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