chapter ten [rooooaaaad trip.]

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[ still not edited lol im lazier than lazy ]

Chapter ten; rooooaaaad trip.

{ part uno mechacho }


It had been two weeks since I turned eighteen. Christmas break started yesterday (a month off of school, celebrates).

I walked into the living room and everyone was sitting quietly, watching tv. I sat on Cole's lap and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I'm bored," I said a few minutes later.

"Shh," everyone said.

My friends were still here, and much to my excitement, they were permanently living with the Matthews', which had me squealing.

"Hey guys did I ever tell yo-"

"Marni!" Cody hissed.

"But the story is real-"

"Shut up!"

I rolled my eyes and turned the tv off.

"We're going on a road trip." I said determined.


"No buts. Go pack. We have a month off of school and dang flabbit we're not spending it on the couch,"

"I'm in, as long as Marni and I share a tent," Cole winked.

"I have my own camper thing, thank you. I bought it last night while I was on the internet. It's out back," I grinned. eBay is great.

"What about us?" Nathan asked.


"HAHAHAHHA NO," Cody laughed.

"I'm kidding. Go out back."

I lead the way to the huge back yard. I was so proud of myself for saving all that money I did and buying these campers for everyone. It took a long time to set everything up.

I looked around, each camper had a huge red bow on it, complete with huge cards and their names on it. All twins shared one - Brady and Trevor, and Cody and Nathan. No, I didn't share one with Dust. I shared one with Cole. (Wink wink, nudge nudge.)

"So, as you can see, I bought campers for us all. I used the money I had and I had more than enough. This road trip is on me, and I'm more than happy to say that. This is gonna be amazing, so don't try and not make it amazing. NOW GO PACK!"

Everyone ran into the house and into their respected rooms. I had already packed; my stuff was sitting in my camper. I was so excited for this road trip.

Everyone loaded up and they followed me to a campsite.

Once everyone was parked in their respected spots, I got out and smiled widely.

Cole came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulder. "I appreciate this more than you can imagine. My family hasn't been on a road trip since a few years before Sam was born."

"Woah.. That's been a long time then,"

"Yeah. They may not say it, but I know we all appreciate you doing this for us. You've been here for almost four months now, and you've already wormed your way into our hearts, mine especially." Cole kissed my temple.

"I love you,"

"I love you more."

I smiled at him, and everyone shuffled out of their campers.

"Alright, so I've mapped all our trip out and we should be back home in a month and a half. If its okay with Mich and Den, I told Cameron to get all our homework for the school we miss and I have everyone's in my camper,"

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