chapter eighteen [well this is awkward]

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chapter eighteen [well this is awkward]


My life was hectic. The nonstop buzz of my manager and record label had an effect on my friends, they told me since I was ignoring them, they were going to move back to where we used to live.

Meaning taking Rainy with them, my godchild with them.

I looked them all in the eye, the fiercest glare on my face. "Go. But know that I will be in Rainy's life. You all did this to yourselves, you can't blame me," I was radiating anger by then, my face never lightening up from the ferocious glare. "I have a concert in three hours. I have to go."

I immediately felt sick, so I ran to my bathroom, throwing chunks into the toilet.

My head started pounding, and I leaned against the wall adjacent from the toilet.

Was I sick? I couldn't be. I had nonstop interviews and concerts this week.

I called Dustin. "Will you meet me in my bathroom?"

"Yeah, let me get Cassius,"

I hung up and waited.

A few moments later, my twin and beautiful nephew burst into my bathroom.

"What's wrong, Mar?"

"I threw up after yelling at the group. I feel sick, but I just went to the doctor and I have concerts and interviews all week,"

"..Don't get mad at me for suggesting, but.. Have you had your period lately?"

I smacked my forehead. I couldn't be pregnant. I was on the pill, right?


Cole used protection, right?

No, again.

My eyes got misty as I looked at my brother. "Dusty,"

He immediately gathered me into his embrace as he put Cas in my arms.

"Being a parent isn't bad, Mar. I mean, look what I created." He said, looking down at Cas. His eyes were filled to the brim with love and adoration for the little baby boy.

I kissed Cas' cheek. "But Dusty, I'm too young to be a mom. I'm too young, and my career is just now taking off. What are my fans going to think? My manager? Michelle? Dennis? ..Cole?"

"Breathe. It's okay, for all we know, it could not be true. Let's go get a test from the store."

"Will you get it? I feel like I'm dying."

"Can you watch Cassius?" He asked.

"Duh, he's my wittle buddy," I grinned, nuzzling Cas' cheek with my nose. "I wuv him!"

Dustin let out a laugh and kissed Cas' head before saying a quick goodbye and leaving.

I snuggled Cas, thinking.

How would I tell Cole?

My friends?

What if the baby asks about grandparents? What could I say? That grandma left because Uncle Dusty had an illness and grandpa beat us?

What if the baby thinks I'll leave them because my mom left us?

One things for sure; if I was pregnant, the baby would have the best life I could give it.


Thirty minutes later, my twin came back, a pregnancy test in hand.

Cas had fallen asleep in my arms, and Dustin gave him to Sara.

I'd figured out that Sara hadn't participated in the bet, so we were okay.

Dustin ushered me into my room and sat me on the bed.

"If this is positive, I promise to be as supportive as I can. Just like you didn't abandon me with a baby and Sara, I won't abandon you; you're my big sister and no matter what happens, I'll always be there for you. I love you, Marni."

I hugged Dustin and smiled. "I love you too, bubby."

After a few minutes of me figuring out how to use this thing, I walked out of the bathroom.

"So do I just like, pee on the stick?"

Dustin face-palmed. "I'm a man, and I know how to use a pregnancy test better than you. You just pee on the stick. Now go."

I grumbled something along the lines of 'assuming women know how to use pregnancy tests is extremely sexist and you should be executed for your crimes,' and walked back into the bathroom.

After.. peeing on the stick.. I walked out. "How long do I wait?" I asked.

Dustin picked up the box. "Three minutes," he walked up to me and hugged me. "You can do this."

"What if I'm not a good mom? What if I turn out like our mother?"

"Speaking of parents, do you want to try and find mom? And tell dad?"

"No and no."

"I want Cassius to have grandparents, Mar. It sucks not having them. I don't want him to have to live his life wondering why his grandma and grandpa didn't want to be in his life."

"James is dead to me. Sorry. And as for 'mom'," I said, using finger quotation marks around the last word. "She left us. End of story."

Dustin's face was emotionless. "Go check your test."

I froze.

Do I want to know?

Yes, and no.

"I can't do this." I whispered.

"You can," a voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see Cody and Tanner.

"What are you guys doing here?"

Tanner answered. "Since you don't hate us, Dustin told us."

I glared at Dustin. "You idiot!"

He shrugged.

Cody laughed, "Anyway, we're here to make sure that you go through with this. No matter what, we'll stand by you."

I nodded, smiling through my tears. I could do this; I was strong.

I went into the bathroom, the white stick contrasting with the black marble countertop.

I picked the test up, reading the results.

"Well, this is awkward." I said to myself before walking out the door, test in hand.

"What is it, Marni?" They questioned me.

"Looks like I'm jumping on the bandwagon," I muttered.

"What?" Tanner asked.

"You dingus, I'm pregnant."

"I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!" Dustin screamed excitedly.

"You idiot! You can't yell that!" I said, smacking my brother.

Stupid twins.


Another chapter! :D

The next one's gonna be out soon ;3


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