chapter twenty

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chapter twenty //


When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed, and surrounded me just so happened to be my family.

Michelle's eyes were watery, as well as Dustin's, Sara's, and Leah's.

The tension was so thick, a butcher's knife wouldn't be able to cut it.

After a few minutes of waking up, the unanswered question was finally asked.

"Why didn't you tell us you were pregnant?"

Hmm, maybe because I literally just found out?

"Because she, herself, had just found out." Tanner answered for me, earning a grateful grin.

I sat up slowly, meeting the eyes of Cole.

"Surprise, I'm pregnant," I said, my voice figuratively dripping with sarcasm. "Happy?"

"No, because you hate all of us except Cody, Tanner, Cassius, Dustin, and Sara! I miss you so much, and you don't even care!" Leah screamed.

"Are you serious? Ask yourself: why do I hate you?" I paused, letting her think it over. Idiot. "And, mind you, I don't hate you. I strongly dislike you. All of you, except those mentioned previously."

Dustin's eyes lit up as he screamed, "I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!" After his outburst, he quietly said, "Well screw you guys, I'm happy. I didn't screw up, so blah on YOU!"

I smiled at him, he's so childish.

A feminine throat cleared, and the crowd parted.

A woman, about 5'4, with blonde hair and blue eyes stood at the door.

"Who the hell are you?" I said, my hand rubbing my stomach absentmindedly.

"I'm Jane, Jane Tike. I'm here to see Marni Price and Dustin Price." Her voice was strong, like a lawyer's.

"Yeah well, Marni isn't here right now, try again later maybe?"

She glared at me, but softened her eyes quickly. I already didn't like her.

"I'm their mother."

And with that, I snapped.

"You mean their birth giver, abandoner? Because as I can recall, YOU left them with an addict father, who beat them senseless most nights a week. YOU left Marni to protect Dustin, and vice versa. YOU left them, making them not trust ANYONE. YOU are a sad excuse for a 'mother' if I've ever seen one."

Once I was finished, a clapping erupted. And walked in, James. My dad.

"Very well spoken, Marni. I'm a proud dad."

I sat up straighter. "'Dad'? Can you even call yourself that?" My hand went back to my stomach, my attempt at calming myself. "You left us to fin for ourselves. A dad would have shown up at my events. A dad would have took consolation in his children when their mother left. A dad would NOT beat his children. A dad WOULD NEVER spend every penny he gambled for on DRUGS. You are not a father, and as far as I can remember, you're just a sperm donor. I have no memory of parents, until I came and lived with Michelle and Dennis. Their love and support is why I haven't killed myself yet. The fact you can stand there and call yourselves our parents makes me sick. So sick in fact, I think you should leave." I finished, my hand rubbing a bit faster on my tummy.

"We're not leaving, Marni. We came to apologize." Jane said.

"Apologize for what? Being horrible people? Don't care."

Dustin's blue eyes were ice cold as he held Cas, his glare on them. "You need to leave, Ms. Tike and Mr. Price. You're upsetting Marni."

James' eyes zeroed in on Cas, and I tensed. Cas, even though he's a baby, is my bestfriend. "Oh look, if it isn't a mistake that made a mistake." He said, his voice full of hate.

I shot out of the uncomfortable hospital bed. "GET OUT! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL DUSTIN A MISTAKE, LET ALONE THE BEAUTIFUL LIFE HE CREATED, WHICH HE ACTUALLY CARES FOR, UNLIKE I CAN SAY FOR YOU." I was full out screaming at them, which caused Cole to spring into action.

"Get out, right now. Upset my fiancé one more time and you'll have me to deal with."

I'm not going to lie, hearing Cole say that made my heart jump with joy, but I was still a little mad.

Cole drug my "parents" out of my room, and then came back in, cradling me in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Marni. So so so sorry..." He whispered, over and over. "I love you."

I got out of his embrace and looked at everyone. "I'm not mad at you guys anymore. But upset me one more time, and I won't ever speak to you. I want you all here for my baby, and I wouldn't have been able to create life if it weren't for you guys. I love you all so much," I turned to Cole. "You have so much groveling to do, but I can't lie and say I didn't miss you. Now kiss me." I demanded.

He happily obliged, and then dropped to his knees.

His ice blue eyes locked onto my stomach, his smile never leaving his face. "Hi there, baby, it's your daddy here. I just wanted to say I love you so much, and I can't wait to meet you."

I grinned, my heart swelling.

Soon enough, everyone gathered in a group hug around me, with Cas in my arms.

"This is how it's supposed to be," I said, and they all agreed.


Oh look, it's another chapter.

I hope you all enjoy it, I love you guys


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