chapter sixteen [nicotine.]

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authors note: So I'd just like to apologize for this completely overdue chapter. I didn't know what I wanted Marni to sing to Mr. Albright, which then resulted to me procrastinating and caused me to not update until I got my mind set straight on what I wanted Marni to sing. I have decided on the song, and I had it along with others on repeat while writing this chapter.

Enjoy! :D

chapter sixteen [nicotine]


After walking into the studio room, I noticed a man sitting at the sound booth thing. He saw me and got up, walking over to me.

Sticking out his hand he said, "Hi, I'm Richard Albright, you must be Marni Price. If you'll please just enter through that door," he pointed to the door that led into a smaller room where people could record their stuff. "And give me a thumbs up when you're ready to start. I don't know if you've heard any rumors, viscous ones, but they're not true. I promise. Good luck, Marni!" He flashed me a smile before I returned it slightly and followed his directions to the room.

I unzipped my guitar case and pulled the guitar out, then my pick.

I situated my guitar strap onto my shoulder and then strummed a few chords to check the tuning.

After the tuning was to my liking, I flashed Richard a thumbs up. He smiled again and talked into the microphone thing.

"What will you be singing for me today?" He asked lightly.

"Nicotine by Panic! At the Disco." I responded.

"Alright, sing when you're ready." I nodded and cleared my throat before starting to play and thing the song.

"Cross my heart and hope to die

Burn my lungs and curse my eyes

I've lost control and I don't want it back. I'm going numb, I've been hijacked. It's a f*cking drag.

"I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you. So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do."

I prepared myself for the part that would show my true talent.

"Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine," the word 'nicotine' stretching out, my voice unwavering. "Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine, yeah."

I smiled, closing my eyes and strumming the chords some more before continuing again.

"It's better to burn than to fade away

It's better to leave than to be replaced

I'm losing to you, baby, I'm no match

I'm going numb, I've been hijacked

It's a f*cking drag."

The words started flowing through my mouth, coming out in a beautiful melody that was my singing voice. The chords on the guitar came easily, almost like I was born playing this song.

"I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you, so I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do. Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine

Yea, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine, yeah. Just one more hit and then we're through, cause you could never love me back. Cut every tie I have to you, cause your love's a f*cking drag, but I need it so bad. Your love's a f*cking drag, but I need it so bad.

"Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine. Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine, yeah."

After finishing the last verse, I opened my mouth to find a stunned Richard Albright, along with Cole, Dustin, Leah, Dan, Lee, Ian, Marie, Carson, Nathan, Michelle, Dennis, Samuel, Grace, and basically every part of the Matthews' family I was close to, along with my friends and twin.

I heard little hands clapping, and looked to see Samuel clapping for me. "GO MARNI! WOO! YOU SING PRETTY!" The seven-year-old cheered.

I smiled and said a whispered thank you.

Richard Albright stood up and walked through the door that separated me from my family and friends.

"Marni, you have a true talent. At first when my two employees told me, I didn't believe it. But now that I've witnessed your talent for myself, I want to offer you a record deal. I want to give you a chance to be a real celebrity, famous for what you're passionate about. I saw the way you let the music flow through you, and not many people let that happen to them. If you're willing to work hard for what you love, welcome to Technicality Records."

By the time he finished, a permanent smile was plastered into my face. "Yes! Of course! You won't regret this, I promise!" I was so excited, I actually hugged the unsuspecting man.

He let out a laugh. "It won't be easy, juggling a music career, school, and family, but I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't think you could handle it."

I was jumping up and down by this point. "OH MY GOD I'M GONNA BE FAMOUS!"

He laughed again and gestured to where my family and friends stood.

I frowned and walked through the door, only to be attacked by Samuel.

"Hey, Sam!" I grinned.

"Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" He pouted.

I laughed. "I didn't think it mattered." He put his hands up and I picked him up.

"So?" Michelle said eagerly.

"I'm only telling you this because I'm super excited, but I'm mad at every single person who bet on my virginity. That was a sacred thing to me and I'm not okay with it whatsoever. But, I GOT A MUSIC DEAL! I'M GOING TO BE FAMOUS!" I screamed, hugging Sam to me tightly.

Everyone cheered, but quickly stopped when I glared at Cole.

"I'm ignoring everyone who was in on it. I know for a fact Dustin didn't, Sam's too young, and the babies in Sara and Leah's bellies didn't have anything to do with it, so they're the only ones I'm not ignoring. Cole, get your shi-crap out of my camper."

I was determined to not let this effect me anymore, as far as "friends and family" go, they're all dead to me.

Welcome to your new life, Marni Cassen Price.



My baby's so grown up -wipes tears-

Anyway, so I'm really upset about something my "bestfriend" did, and I still haven't gotten over it. We were friends for eight years, so when she betrayed me like that I was honestly completely done.

Anyway, no character talk here either. Because I don't want to, but here I'll let the hunky boys and gorgeous girls say hi:


Cole: hi!

Nathan: sup.


Sam: hi :D

Marni: aw sam, you're so cute. -pinches sam's cheeks-

Cole: what about me?

Marni: -ignores Cole- sam, did you hear something? I only hear the wretched sound of betrayal.

Sam: what's wretched? And betrayal?

Marni: what Cole is and what he did to me.

Sam: so Cole is wretched and betrayal?

Cole: don't teach my little brother that about me!

Marni: -ignores Cole some more- no, sam, Cole is wretched yes, but he's not loyal. He broke my heart.

Sam: do you need a bandaid? Mommy has some and she can even give you one with SPONGEBOB on it! -grins toothily-



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