chapter fourteen [mr. richard albright is a closeted hannah montana fan]

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chapter fourteen [mr. richard albright is a closeted hannah montana fan]


Michelle, Leah, Marie, Sara and I finally found the perfect outfit after three hours and forty-two minutes of searching.

The shorts were cutoffs, with the ends fraying slightly. It had lace flowers crawling up the sides, and patches of lace on the pockets. The shirt was a tanktop style thing, with the words 'they tell you to be yourself, and then they judge you,' in cursive letters. It was one of my favorite quotes, because it was amazingly true.

It was around six pm, dinner time. Michelle had gone to the nearest McDonald's, and we all sat around a fire in the middle of the campers.

Dinner with the Matthews' was a time that should be recorded and put on an MTV show. It was chaos. Absolute chaos.

Literally. The entire one-hour tradition consisted of food, a ton of conversation, and some type of drama.

Tonight, the drama had two appearances. One, my audition thing with Richard Albright. Two, the gender of Dustin and Sara's baby.

I'm having a nephew. A little nephew who's name is going to be Cassius Mark Price.

I forced my brother to name him Cassius, because otherwise him and Sara were going to name him Cassen Marnian.

Woah, Marnian sounds like fans for me.

Like, "Hey my little Marnians!"

Wait no, that sounds kinda creepy.

But, Cassius is going to go by Cas, like Castiel from Supernatural.

Ahh, Misha Collins. What a beautiful man.

After dinner, which consisted of things listed above and many congradulations to me, I went back to my trailer, my cute, loving boyfriend following.

As we both got ready for bed, I got a group text from Leah and Marie.

The text said: have you and Cole had sex yet?

I texted back: a) i dont see how that is any of your business and b) NO.

Marie: Marni u dnt have 2 b ashamed

Me: 1) text right, you're a college student. 2) I'm not ashamed, but we havent.

Leah: tell him 2 stick it in already!


They didn't text back after that, thank God.

I crawled in bed with Cole. He seemed a bit distant, because he was hesitant with wrapping his arms around me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.


"Cole," I kissed his lips. "Please tell me?"

"When you get all rich and famous, you'll leave me for like, Justin Beiber or something.. You won't want a lame, unsuccessful high school student as your boyfriend anymore. You'll be your perfect self, but you'll be your perfect self with all your new celebrity friends and millions of fans. You won't have time for me." His eyes held pain, and it broke my heart.

I looked him dead in his eyes, and pulled his face to mine. "Cole Alexander Matthews, you're the most perfect person I've ever met. You may have been a dick when we first met, but you've proved that you were just hurting. No matter what happens between us, whether we break up," I saw him flinch, but I continued. "Or I get successful, or you get successful, I will always, always make time for you. And no matter where I go in my life, you'll always be the first man to steal my heart. I love you more than I've loved anything, or anyone. Never doubt that, okay?"

He captured my lips in a delicate kiss, filled with all of his love.

Things got pretty heated pretty quickly, and I decided I didn't want to stop him.

"Are you sure?" Cole asked me as he removed his shirt.

"Yes. I want to be connected with you in more ways than just being your girlfriend." I smiled at him.

He kissed me, and then I spent my night with the one I love.



((Wow i say that and here I am only thirteen years old))


I love you guys!

-kalynne :D

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