All things Frazier

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Frazier took Val and I back to his house and called my parents to let them know where I was. As we sat in the living room with aunt Marissa I could hear on the phone. In fact I think the whole town could hear him.

"No, nothing will happened. Yes we are aware. I'm offended you would think such a thing. That was one time and yes I returned the horse. Oh come on, you can trust me. Don't listen to Ryan and Jordan, they're just old. It will be fine. Yes I swear. Tell Ryan to be quiet no one cares about his opinion. Bye now."

Marissa gave us a smile as we sat there. Yeah I had no idea what to say to a woman I barely know.

Frazier walked in, "your grammie says hi," he said taking a seat.

Val and I looked at each other as I said, "did you call my parents?"

"Psh naw. I'm sure they're fine," he grinned.

"Maybe I should call them," I said.


We looked at him, "no need. I'm perfectly fine handling my nephew and his girlfriend for the weekend."

Girlfriend? What is he talking about?

"Um, we're not dating," Val said.

"Well not yet but you will be," he smiled.

"Were you dropped on your head as a baby," I asked.

"What? No," he exclaimed.

"Are you sure?"

"Are you always this negative?"


"Depends on nothing. Yeah you had girl problems but we all have," he said.

As we went back and forth Marissa and Val watched us like a ping pong match.

"How can you compare what I went through to "girl" problems?"

"Easy. See, there usually is a girl and not any girl. That one girl that catches our attention. Then our brain goes on vacation. We think we are in love when in actuality we aren't and don't realize the girl is psychotic and trying to kill our ass along with our families," he said casually.

"You make it sound so cut and dry."

"That's because it actually is. We just make it more than what it is. We think we're in love but in the end, we aren't. Trust me I know. See the wife here, went out with Jordan to Homecoming and I took Elena. But nothing ever developed. Then one day Marissa and I hit it off, I thought Jordan was going to hit me but he didn't. Why? Because he didn't love her," he said.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"A lot. Ryker, the thing about love is, it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from. It's not evil and doesn't have ulterior motives. Not cruel or harsh. It's forgiving. It cares. It's acceptance despite flaws. It's just love and it's the most powerful emotion out there. When you truly love someone and they love you back, no one will be able to destroy it. Just ask your grandparents. They have been to hell and back but in the end it was their love that kept them together," he said.

For some reason I could see why people endured themselves to Frazier. He had a sense about him that actually made sense.

"It's just hard," I said.

"Life is hard. If it wasn't we wouldn't become the people we are today," he said simply.

"I guess."

"There's no guessing. You can't guess at life. You live it. Day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute. Life is going to throw shit at you, it's your job to duck or get hit by it," he grinned.

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