What you leave behind (part 1 with 2 different part 2's)

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Evan sat at the top of the tree crying. No one would care if he was gone. He and Connor had just come out of a fight, they had yelled at each, and said things neither of them meant. Evan had ran, all the way to the almost forgotten orchard, where they had hung out so often. This would be the last place he saw. And with that he let go and fell.

Connor paced around his room thinking of how he would apologise to Evan. Then his phone rang. He checked the number, it was Evans. "Evan I'm so sorry, I didn't mean any of that, I was just upset and-" but he was cut off by the sobs of Evans mother. "It's not Evan Connor, Evan, Evan is," Hiddie tried to speak, but; couldn't say it. "Evan is what?" Connor asked concerned. "He's in coma, my baby boy is in a coma!" She said, then more sobbing came from the phone. Connor stood there shocked. This was all his fault. If had apologised and not let Evan run away, or if he had just kept his damn mouth shut maybe, just maybe he would still be ok. "What happened?" Connor asked his voice shaky, still to shocked by what Heidi had told him. "The doctors say he probably fell out of a tree and hit his head after he landed, his arm taking most of the impacted by the looks of things, they did everything they could but-" Hiddie could finished her sentence. "I will be there as soon as I can!" He said hanging up and running down stairs. Connor looked around the house for his keys forgetting where he had put them in his panicked state. "Where are my keys!" Connor said, as he continued to frantically look . "Whoa, slow down Connor, what's wrong?" his mother asked noticing how stressed her son looked. "No! I can't slow down,I need my keys! I need to go! Evans in hospital and, and, it's all my fault," the last part quieter than the rest of his sentence, as he buried his face in his hands, tears rolling down his face. "Connor," she said, a caring tone in her voice as she hugged her son. After a little while of hugging, Cynthia push her son back a bit to see him. He was a mess, he couldn't drive like this, the tears in his eyes would blur his vision. "Here I'll drive you, you can't drive in this state," she said getting her keys.

As soon as they got there Connor ran to the desk, leaving his mother behind. He immediately asked for Evans room number. He waited impatiently till he got it, then shot off down the halls. As he opened the door he was met with i sight that terrified him. Evan almost lifeless body, was laying on the hospital bed. Evan skin was paler than usual, and he had stitches in his head. Evan was hooked up to machines by wires and tubes that were stuck into him, he had a breathing mask on his face, and you could barely see his chest rise and fall. his mother sobbing beside him, occasionally mumbling things like how she wasn't there enough. Connor slowly walked up to the hospital bed almost not believing it. But there he was, and the tears from earlier began to roll down his face. He hated the thought that the last thing he might have ever said to Evan was, "yeah run run, like you always do." It killed him inside. And he remembered might never hear his laugh. He might never see the way his eye sparkled when he talked about trees. And he might never see the way he would blushes when Jared would make a joke about how gay they were. Connor cried with Heide.

Connor sat there next to Heidi as the doctor explains how Evan probably wouldn't wake up and how they could keep him here for at least a week before he would have to be taken to a place for long term care or have his plug pulled. Heidi decided if there was even a small chance that her baby might wake up, she wanted her son out in long term care. Then the doctor left them alone.

Connor would spend most of his time in the hospital with Evan watching him and talking to him. Connor knew that Evan couldn't hear him, but he still did anyway .When Evan was moved to long term care Connor slowly filled his room with flowers and trees of sorts, so that if he woke he might feel more comfortable.

Evan would occasionally flat line, but the doctors always came rushing in and fixed it.But one day the they couldn't.

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