Forget Me Not

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Evan woke up with a strange feeling of ignorance, as if he was forgetting something, but what. Nothing seemed to click as he went over a list of things it could be, his daily morning retinue becoming a background focus. He almost missed his mother asking about his letters and medication then apologizing for taking another shift, but he responded quickly. He decide to brush it off as he put his cereal in the sink and went to school.

Evan took his seat in class, laying his supplies on the table, the fact that he was forgetting something making him annoyed and paranoid. "Hey Evan," a male with shoulder lengths brunette hair greeted sitting down beside him, as if this was normal. "Hi you," Evan responded nervously, who was he and why was he sitting with him. "You ok you seem a little off," Connor asked. He was concerned Evan usually greeted him warmly, but today, it was as if Connor were a stranger to him. "I'm fine I just don't know why you decided to sit here, or at least to greet me, you don't look like that sort of person, not that there a type or you look hostile, it's just i don't know you and-" Connor cut Evan off. "You don't know me?" Connor asked concerned. "Evan if this is some joke Jared put you up to it's not funny," he continued refusing to believe it. "No I don't know you honestly don't know you," Evan pause remember his feeling of ignorance, "Should I." This broke Connor's heart, he loved Evan and yet he didn't remember for some unknown reason. "Yes you should we have been Friend for around 3 months now, I was the only one who signed your cast," Connor hopped this was all a bad dream, then the bell rang bringing him to the crushing reality it wasn't.

"So you have like no memory of Connor at all?" Jared asked absent minded teen. "Nothing but what we did to day," Evan explained. Connor was face planted on to the table, contemplating why the world hated him so much as to make his reason to smile, forget he was ever born. What God did he piss of to deserve this and what could he do to fix it. "This is rich," Jared laughed as Alana joined them. "What's so funny?" she asked, not liking being unknowing of something. "Evan has no memory of Connor." Jared laughed as Connor made an annoyed groan from the table. "Just Connor?" she inquired. "Yes," Connor groaned. "How?" She continued. "We don't know," the annoyance in his voice made Evan feel nervous and guilty, it had clearly hurt Connor he didn't remember him. "Well there has to be some reason for his amnesia, this stuff doesn't just happen," Alana said as she began to think of everything that could lead to amnesia. "With my luck anything is possible," he groaned slouching back on the table. "I'm sorry," slipped out of Evans mouth for the 100th time today. "I know Connor groaned.

Evan sat outside, under a tree that belonged to the school. He was clearly upset. The lack of memory had hurt someone who clearly cared for him a lot. "Are you ok?" I short girl asked. She had shoulder length brown hair, glasses and a panda beanie on her head. Evan shook his head. "What's wrong?" she continued sitting down beside him. "I've forgotten someone important, it's hurt them a lot and it hurts to know i'm causing his suffering," he explained. "Oh," She said. "Well I find flowers always help me," she said pulling a flower crown of Gladiolus and forget me not's from seemingly know we're, placing it on Evans head. And then as if magic his memories seemed of Connor seemed to rush back. Tears spilled from Evan's eye, his brain overwhelmed by the awoken memories. "Are, you ok," the girl asked concerned. "I'm great, thank you," Evan smiled, giving her a hug before rushing off to find Connor.

Connor had been sent to detention after smoking on school grounds, but he couldn't help it, the love of his life memories of him had been completely erased, it was stressful. Connor walked out of the school door ready to go home and smoke a stash of weed, left for moods like this. "Wait!" a voice yelled from behind him and something made impacted. "I'm sorry I forgot but I remember now and i never want to forgot you again Connor," At this point it was obvious who it was and Connor didn't need to turn around to know, but he did. "You sure you remember," Connor asked. "I'm as sure of this as I'm sure that you never listen when i ramble about trees," he said. Connor smiled and hugged him back. "Never forget me again you big dork."

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