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"Stay safe honey," Heidi said kissing his forehead. Before leaving for work. "I will," Evan says. Evan sit's in the silent house's hall, controlling the plant to do as he wished as normal. Evan had the ability of plant manipulation, which is pretty self explanatory. His mother had worked hard to keep him secret, staying in a toxic marriage till she was stable enough to keep Evan hidden on her own. He was homeschool, he learnt everything from Heidi, books or educationally sights she found on the internet. Evan moved outside decide to do things on a bigger scale making the plants into a shelter. Being satisfied with his work headed inside grabbing a book to read. He sat under His shelter and began to reading A Beautiful Friendship by David Weber. Evan was thoroughly engulfed in his book when a ball landed in his backyard. He slowly put down his book and walked towards it. "Where did you come from?" he asked, the ball not responding. He picked it up bringing it inside and balancing the round object on the flat surface of the top of a set of draws in the hall. The ball wasn't worn but it certainly wasn't new, it had probably forgotten somewhere till this day, where the heat from the sun's heat wasn't beating down on an unbearable level. He began retreating back to his book when there was a knock at the door. Evan was hesitant he had been told neither to open the door. But what harm could it do, it was probably no one of importance. He slowly began to undo all the lock getting another knock while doing so. "Just a second," his mouse-like voice spoke before undoing the last lock. He opened the door. He was meet with a tall teen, who wore all black and has shoulder length brunette hair. "Hi, uh, I think my ball landed in your backyard," the tall brunette spoke. "Oh that was your ball?" Evan asked, not expecting an answer. "Yeah," the Brunette responded. There was an awkward pause. "I'll go grab it Evan said closing the door. He walked down the small hallway and grabbed the ball heading back and opening the door. "Uh here you go," Evan said reaching his hand out to the brunette could take the ball. Evan jumped at the slight contacted as the stranger's hand accidentally brushed his hand as he grabbed the ball. "Hey I haven't seen you around town or school, are you new here?" he asked. Evan was hesitant on how to respond but spoke the truth, "no I'm just homeschooled and don't like leaving the house." "How can you stand that, don't you have annoying siblings, I mean you must at least get annoyed at your parents?" He questioned. "No i'm an only child and my mum is never home, my dad was kicked out when i was six," Evan responded. "Oh that suck, so you don't ever get lonely?" the stranger continued to quiz. "Yeah, but," Evan paused. "It's become normal," Evan hated it had, he wanted friend, he wanted to get out there but, his fear prevented him from leaving these closed walls. "That sucks, well I've got to go maybe i might stop by again," He paused. "I'm Connor, you are?" He asked. "Evan," he gave a quick response . "CONNOR HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO GET A FUCKING BALL!" a female voice shouted startling Evan a bit. "FUCK OFF ZOEY!" he yelled back. "Sorry about that, I'll see you later hopefully," He said before leaving with his ball.

Connor continued to make trips to the Hansen household multiple times a week, but Evan never lets him past the door. Connor walks up to the door ready to see Evan. He knocks on the wooden door, but instead of Evan, a woman answers. "Can I help you?" she asks. "Yeah, is Evan home?" He asks. The lady, who is probably Evan's mother looks confused. "Yes, why?" she questioned, her face starting to look less caring. "I wanted to see him, so we can hang out," Connor said. "Well I'm sorry but he can't and I would like to ask you to never come here again," she said. "What! No! I care about Evan I'm not just going to stop seeing him!" Connor argued. "Never, come, here, again!" She said. Before slamming the door. Yelling could soon be heard, and as much as Connor wanted to stay he decided to leave, but only for now.

Connor continued to show up at the Hansen household, even though he had been so rudely told not to. "Connor please just leave," Evan spoke desperately from the other side of the door. "Evan I won't she is forcing you to stay in there she refuses to let you see anyone, Evan you have to understand that isn't healthy you need to leave," Connor was very concerned, since the day he meet Evan mother they didn't talk, it was just Evan trying to get him to leave. "Evan I'm to get you out of there do you understand," Connor said. "Connor please just go home," but Connor refused to, he started looking for another entrance. He decides to go over the fence and into the backyard and there was the back door. He opened the startling Evan who was curled up by the door. Plants all kinds began to twist and turn around Connor, suspending him in the air a bit. He couldn't move. "Evan!" He focused his attention on Evan hoping he could help, or maybe Evan explain. Evan sat there with a look of shock, fear, and regret in his eyes. "I'm sorry he cried," not knowing what to do. Evan decided the best course of action was to leave him till his mother got home she would know what to do she always did. Evan ran upstairs.

Connor watched Evan run upstairs. What was he to do now? He remembered the pocket knife in his back pocket. He struggled but eventually pulled it out. He cut himself free and ran upstairs. To see Evan in a ball in the corner of what looked to be his room. "I'm sorry," he kept repeating to himself. "Evan whats going on?" Connor asked. Evan looked up in fear. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, you scared me, and now you want to know but I can't tell you," He cried. Connor careful moved closer as not to frighten him before hugging Evan. "Please, tell me," He said while comforting Evan. "I, I, I have the ability of plant manipulation, as the name states I can make plants do as I wish," Evan began. "Mum thinks I was born with it, and for the safety of myself and other, she tries to hide it. She said she has tried letting me be normal, but it didn't end well, my friend got stuck and a tree and I moved it so he could get down, his mum was watching at the time and called me a freak, she chucked me out and called my mother. We moved after that." Evan said. The room fell silent. "So do you think I'm a freak too?" Evan asked, pain in his voice. "No of course not, I think you're amazing," Evan looked confused. "It's like a super you could be a superhero," Connor said. He cupped his hands around Evan checks, "You are amazing." Evan smiled. "really," he said tears of joy rolling down his face. "Really," (now kiss) Evan hugged Connor out of pure joy, he wasn't a freak!

"So you told him," Heidi sat at the head of the table, Evan, and Connor on the right. Evan nodded gingerly. "Connor was it?" She asked. "Yes," he answered. "Connor, I'm guessing you refuse to leave," she said. "Yes," Connor answered. He was never gonna leave Evan, to be honest, he loved that small, adorable, boy. "Connor if you want to continue seeing Evan you have to promise me you won't tell anyone," she said. "Yes I promise I won't tell a soul," Connor said. Heidi looked at Connor, whether it was the slight hint of the smell of weed and cigarettes or the bags under his eye, she knew she was going to regret her next words. "You can continue to visit him, but there will be no drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol in this house and you will not enter while high or drunk," She made it clear. "Understandable," he said.

After a bit more integration Connor was allowed to leave. "Mum," Evan said. "Yes, honey?" She asked. "I think I love him," he said. "Well when he's clean and kept his mouth shut for a month then we will see about this hole loving him," she heading to the kitchen to make dinner.

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